Landrace strains from the South Pacific?

I’ve heard of Vanuatuan, PNG, and a few others. Any others you are aware of?

Here you can find some … beer3|nullxnull


these are great, although I am already familiar with these! Any others?

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Hey @slain . Do you know of any landraces from the south pacific?

from what i understand the australian ones (abc, ducksfoot) might not be pure landraces (if that even still exists, people are cultivating it since ever rly),

the dudes down under told me that there were a bunch of hippies in the 70s who planted weed all over the place and thats where most of the “bush” weed originates from. Its imo quite likely they interbred.

In how far these mutations existed before, i dunno. wether that is important either way, no clue lol. Might be useful for the plants to survive in the harsh ozzie conditions, and might have helped to evade government intervention.