Pap’s 2022 spring grow

That’s it, I suppose being harder to cut due to thickness will increase the sharpening effect ejem|nullxnull, works even with nail scissors :grin:, no specific instructions but I bet you will find the optimal way to accomplish it … beer3|nullxnull


Ok CR is coming down
I quickly dried a few samples and damn skippy Now I know what I’ve been missing all these years I finally get to try chocolate rain and wow it is staying as my main strain from now on thanks @Islayhearts for your hard work on the repo of this legendary strain by Eskobar


Tell me more​:yum::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Not cures obviously and only a quick dry

But smooth to smoke at this stage

And I only smoked 1 bowl in my spoon pipe and it don’t hold maybe 5 good rips
I started in the house then took the dog out for like 15 minutes and finally finished the bowl when I got home and I must say I am very happy
I actually was Hesitating driving to the bank how do you like that one


One of these days… you should send me a big bud uncured… and vacuum sealed… I’ll throw it in the cannatrol and cure it for you and send it back … just to show what a cannatrol can do bro… I talked to them today on the phone… they said 100 percent… no one can or will do what the cannatrol does for marijuana and curing… In fact… it locks the terps in so good… the weed will NOT smell until you actually break a nug open… how do you like that!!!


Damn bro that’s a neat toy wow

Way cool

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You have no idea how impatient I’m becoming lol… it’s deffo a game changer that cannatrol… you can also use it to cure hash


16oo bucks hope it works well

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I got mine for 1500… so after I got mine they raised the price… now… this says something… products that are only as good as implied usually go down… products that exceed and have higher demand go up… I’m 100 percent happy with my purchase… 25 percent better terps etc @Jetdro … . Yes please!

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I’ll definitely be doing a side by side for OG when I finally line out my grow issues

That’s great to hear. It is a really smooth smoke, only gets better which is kinda hard to imagine at times.

ESKO deserves all the praise, I just knew it had to be preserved. If or when he comes out with new strains, I really hope the members here buy them all up. His flavors are beyond top notch and potency is always there.

Happy you found a keeper… there are some other phenos to be had as well if you want to go on a deep dive.


Dually noted!!! I’d rather support people like esko than anyone else really… the effort people like him put in is phenomenal!! Just 1 goal always it seems … to find and create the very best genetics and help others get those awesome genetics… just can’t say enough about people like that… such good people! :clap:


That’s the truth!! He also let’s us follow along on the journey which is amazing!

People and genetics like his have blessed me through my short growing career but have also showed me how shady some breeders/ seed banks/ growers can be. :smirk:


Absolutely. … in fact I feel like places like OG are supposed to be the combatant for that garbage @Islayhearts … I feel truly blessed to be a part if all this… in any way at all. I’ve met better friends in here than I actually have in real life… now… THAT says something… because I have a few good friends … but they don’t compare to people on here still… sense of family/community… the true care here… amazing… especially via internet… even more unthinkable… yet we prove it’s possible… and for that ALL of OG I couldn’t thank more or appreciate more than I do… trust me when I say this… I do not throw the word blessed around easily… and with that… HAPPY GROWING EVERYONE :green_heart:


The first time this ever happened to me, I lost 3 plants to bud rot! Took so dang long to dry and too humid, even with running the dehumidifier! Did not get this in the flower room but in the dry room. Holy crap expensive grow for nothing.

And I lost All My Outdoor plants to Russet mites, something else I have never dealt with. Trying to keep my spirits up but hell anything else gonna happen? Those things literally eat your bud! The bud on two plants turned brown, checked the others like damn maggots crawling all over the bud, half the trichs were gone, and those baby bud trichs were already cloudy. Holy shit I read about these horrors but never try to battle them, forget about it, they eat the damn bud.


Sorry to hear
I’ve been drying my Oaxaca and I was wondering why it’s so humid in the tent
Damn exhaust fan died
I keep spares just for these problems


Smart! :+1:

I’ve been thinking along the same lines like standardizing on 320W LED drivers, 6" fans & light strips (2 sizes).


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I normal buy cheap in-line fans I use then maybe a year and replace them and keep 1 or 2 around helps in a pinch


Which ones are cheap good ones paps? @Papalag papaocto…lol octopapa …

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Something tripped my fans one night, Lights full on, next day I had crispy critters ha!