Pap’s 2022 spring grow


Long time no see

Hope your well other than the grow woes


I have back ups. You got to.

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It’s the smartest thing we can do

@Gardenartus it’s horrible all that at once

When I feel up to it I do a check on all electric equipment
Fans clean
Make sure all surge protectors are ok
Timers all set and working
No loose connections

I don’t remember ever checking this fan lol it was full of junk


When I replace things the normally still have a good deal of life left so I hang on to them
Carbon filters are good for 1.5 years I replace every 3 runs and keep the old one Incase I need a back up

My old lights are still good so if this one dies I can at least get through till I replace it and no rush

I like the idea of standardizing all equipment :+1::+1::+1: with 1 or 2 on hand awesome


Those russet mites are brutal. Big Pharma couldn’t figure out a way to eliminate cannabis, so they made a bug to eliminate the medicine cannabis produces. Assholes.
I ended up fighting them with a fogger that could only be used at night and you had to suit up to use it. It sprayed out some fungus that infected the little bastards. I battled them hard for a week or 2 before lack of sleep had me wore right out and I just let them do their thing after. I was able to slow them down but could not get rid of them. Every day you could see the Brown line on your plants moving up as the resin was munched. Mine handled it pretty d*** well actually, but the mites ate the resin on the lower half of all the plants… Except for my Uncles Old Afghani. They never touched the Old Afghan plants.


I thought I had thrips, I about torched the plants with Doctor Zymes, it was like giving them steroids, like maggots all over the bud, damn I hated even checking them gave me the ickies lol. I have never seen such horror, they eat the trichs and the bud. One plant still had white hair, the trichs were all cloudy, it is like they accelerate them finishing up, tiny little buds all cloudy, then they turn brown and die Lord what a destructive little nasty creature.

I do believe a “friend” brought them to me by clone ughhhh. Now I am freaking out, please please please Ganja Gods do not let these things in my indoor! Took me 8 months to recoup my plants after over-fertilizing, and everything I Grew went to shit. Ganja Gods need to be on my side instead of against me ha! This is the roughest time I have ever had for growing, it is time it played by in my favor.


I just got thrips that way I never take clones this one I wanted and something told me not to put it in my room
And don’t you know it after 2 days I saw those little f’er showed there little heads out came captain jacks
Took a week but they be dead :skull:

So sad


I first sprayed with Captain Jacks, cause thought it was thrips, between that and Dr Enzymes, I swear it fed the russet mites! OMG I hope no one ever gets those damn things.

Yep every time, except when I got white fly’s and gnats from the soil, shit comes from clones. LOL wow, I thought this Grape Ape, been wanting that one for a bit, had spider mites, treated it guess where OUTDOORS ha ha ha nope not spider mites, The Death Bug, russet mites. Thought I was safe by doing it outdoors, oh hell that was too fast infecting all these on the deck. I would spray it, let it dry, put it in a 5 gallon bucket under lights. IF I get the indoors I am giving up.


Agree. From what I’ve read, if I get Russet mites, it’s scorched earth time. Cut and burn and start over!


Almost wanna dunk them in a solution of hydrogen peroxide I wonder if it would work


For me any bugs it’s scorched earth time


I went scorched earth after getting broad mites. Fuckers!

There is something to be said for starting over with a clean slate. I’m only growing from seed now. Clones are risky and I have more seeds than I can grow in my lifetime…


Same here my friend


@HolyAngel SSDD
Trichomes shots


Yea R

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Ok guys and gals

Day 77 from flip

@Jetdro @ifish @neogitus @HolyAngel @George
I’d appreciate the feed back

NYC sour finger phenom 3 gallon fabric bag
Plant A
Not yet still looks too clear at spots

NYC sour larger phenom 2 gallon fabric bags
Plant B
Close if not there already

NYC sour lager phenom Octopots
Plant C
Trichomes are close but over all look of the Plant says no

NYC sour finger phenom Octopot
Plant D
Still have too many white hairs but trichomes look close

SSDD BX needs more time too clear

#2 in a 2 gallons fabric bags not yet


Looks like a lot of amber on those sours but still all the white pistils :thinking:
The ssdd’s definitely could use another week or so. Guess day 84 for everything? :sweat_smile:


I’m thinking the same the plants just don’t look there yet but close

Just don’t want to miss the window

The chocolate rain is spot on


Some sweet fatty‘s in there. The colors are getting ready. Very nice fade.

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