Pap’s 2022 spring grow

He stole that pose from @Gardenartus


:laughing: :laughing: :green_heart: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::+1: lmao


Ok what happened here was @Slick1 in my garden . I pulled up my carrots and look at what I found I know slick s O b has been around

@Nagel420 , @Cormoran talk to him now he’s goin after vegetables wow

All kidding a side I only got 5 normal looking carrots all mutants but these where by far the stand outs lol :joy:


Haha One male one female : )


Why does this happen is it my soil mix I grew them in containers they where the 4 in style carrots
I did read that carrots like a more aerated soil and very loose
Dose anyone know why Just curious


I would think the soil :thinking:
Needs to be loose and deep.


Idk paps… this happened outside for us … so I wouldn’t think it’s shallow soil

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You pushin p ?


lol lol lol :joy:

Never grew carrots before so you live and learn


I’m watching discovery channel… and did u know… we share 50 percent DNA with a banana? Lol


It may be from overwatering. Because we overwatered our garden last year … and carrots looked like that and it think it was cucumber… looked more white


Sorry, dude… obviously I’m fine with thrips, my plants kill them in my sleep; and I’ve wiped out spider mites once before, but I don’t have any IPM strategies that can handle pests like @Slick1. :frowning: Just gotta hope he leaves your garden alone, and wipe up any stains that he leaves from his “helicoptering” if he does come after you. If he comes before you, I dunno what to tell you about that one. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lmfao!!! Hilarious :joy: :smiley: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grin:


Hi all it’s
Been drying for 3 days stems flexible not brittle in the jar only 1 day 69 % humidity and being burped

I present Oaxacana string of pearls

Close up of the calyx ( name maybe wrong trying to remember correct name )

It’s free seed day these where not accidental so if anyone wants them just let me know ( there’s more lol)

Report time

First bowl of the day for being so immaturely cured it has a very smooth taste .
When opening the jar at first you get hit with a very nice smell of incense. once you break up the bud the smell becomes a strong smell of incense/sandalwood .
Very resinous !
Third hit you feel it dead center of you forehead .
Finished the first bowl started to notice things are brighter and I was enjoying the little things like how the sun hit the dew on my flowers one drop in particular I started at for a good deal of time and decided to light an other bowl .
Well at the end of the second bowl I decided to take the dog out for a walk which ended up being longer than normal and I talked to the dog a lot more the normal ( i was answering for her also ) lol :joy: I have a very nice buzz very calming not jittery no paranoia and overall happy feeling
So I decided to have another cup of coffee and fill another bowl . I’m starting to feel that this might be a mistake because now I’m getting to the point where I really don’t care if I do a goddamn thing the rest of the day .I notice I’m very happy sitting on the porch with my feet up and my dog on my lap and just enjoying the beautiful day ! so I highly recommend this weed and i want to thank @Upstate
For gifting these gems

Oh by the way I have 4 @ 1/2 gallon mason jars of all this beautiful weed


Think it’s technically “bracht”.

Man that smoke reports sounds amazing! Glad you found her! Makes me wanna go look through some old beans and spend half a hear on some :laughing: :heart_eyes:


Happy days! :smiley:


You know I deffo want to try it… Thanks for generosity brother…it deffo does look strangely interesting!!!


The buzz sounds great!!! Man nothing better than a calming make you relax type bud despite what’s going on or what your plans were… good stuff to really relax us human beings … as sometimes… relaxation proves impossible under the right circumstances :ok_hand: despite the bud we may smoke… so a strain that forces you to is good medicine


It’s not the type to put you down but I’ll let you know for sure
I’ll be smoking it all day to see what she’s like

Hell so far the mrs even likes it and she likes heavy hitting weed


In other words… all I have going on… including growgreen mi bs… my grow issues… issues w my kid… issues w my wife… all last week… I haven’t been high… like truly high in a week… despite what I smoke (oil) so strains like this are strains after my own heart :heart: