Pap’s 2022 spring grow

That port wine cheese sounds so good… I’ll have to try that eventually… so whats everyone’s opinion on which strain actually tastes the most like actual chocolate??

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Probably none of them lol


I agree with this and can almost know why already… I honestly believe it has much to do with the cbd ratios… as it seems to me commercially they seem to separate or want to separate thc from cbd… WHY??? The plant typically back before it was divided into thousands of chopped up variants had a higher ratio of cbd vs thc. . Now even these big “breeders” are doing it… why?? Because in the end you’ll buy and sell faster because of such… So… in theory… just about anything created from those older genetics and gems we have around OG will prove to have a higher vigor and or much higher old school type buzz that actually lasts like we all love and remember… This is the reason I love this site so much… reproduce what once was… forget commercial anything… they aren’t your friends!! In fact they’re our enemies!!

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On top of that… it seems like once a commercial breeder finds a good plant ( mother or father) they play that poor thing until its genetically a piece of trash… like greenpoint and their purple punch for example… it’s weak compared to the stardog… yet make a hundred strains out of it to help its weak genetics… shame… sad… pathetic…

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Have faith


I do my friend… but my faith lies with the craft growers and breeders… not commercial… people like esko and all of you guys… but particularly the ones who seek and find and create for nothing more than to improve quality and maintain original qualities etc…

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Lol idk man… brownie scout had a chocolate flavor for sure… but it would be cool to really bring that out more like overwhelming chocolate taste etc

He sent me something chocolate, chocolate diesel I think. Haven’t grown it yet but am looking forward too!

Back in the late 90s I ran into a few dudes I knew on a smoke walk and they had a joint of Chocolate Thai. I had never even heard of it and they offered me a hit. It was so chocolaty and smooth that I took down like 1/3 of the joint in one inhale and didn’t realize it. I was just hitting it and they were like “yo chill!” and I realized. That exhale was pure chocolate bliss. I’ve had a strain called Choco Latte that leaned more coffee than chocolate but had a hint of cocoa to it but nothing like that one hit 20 years ago.


A friend had a bunch of that back in the day Carob flavor heavy chocolate on the exhale



Call that MFer up!


He and it are long gone unfortunately there was a good dude


Haha… you sound like me… hit it as hard as you can :laughing:


I mean yeah but in this case I wasn’t trying to! It was like the chocolate flavor cooled the smoke down and I just didn’t realize how much I was taking in. Otherwise yeah I tell noobies to inhale from around your sphincter :laughing:


I agree. :100:

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You don’t want to give those beans out that are bad. Seed companies do not have to deal with the public. They’re not here looking at your journal. I’ve been growing this plant for four months. Halfway through the flower cycle it turns into a banana. I would not want to give anything to anyone like that at all. Some people could care less.

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One of my PWC has thrips :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::hot_face: captain jacks bug killer all the way

Pulled off infected leaves and separated the plant from the main tent

I just got rid of them and cleaned out the area Damn thrips


I was gifted an old chocolate Thai from someone here on OG. (It’s written on the seed pack who they are from… It’s a unique 80’s Chocolate Thai that is not in circulation atm. Definitely near the top of the list of strains to run in the near future


That sounds like a preservation run candidate if I ever heard of one! As long as it’s not in circulation (and not slated for a return) that’s fair game.


Man I need that!!!