Pap’s 2022 spring grow

And there still funny as all hell


Just can’t beat the classics man… I love the three stooges for sure… truly shows how the times have changed…

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Clean Clean clean and more clean

Those thrips are killing me
Just as you think your winning they show back up

Ok here we go
I saw those little bastards again
Pulled off all infected leaves on Frankie
Under leaves I found the little f’er’s
Crushed the little buggers
Sprayed all plants with neem oil mix top and bottoms
Also sprayed top of soil ( must be hiding either in soil or in a corner waiting there time to Strike laughing and rubbing there hands sounding like Redfield from Dracula)
Cleaned and scrubbed tent in and out
Floor in space mopped and vacuum
Sprayed all around neem oil mix

Now come on out you little SOB’s



Hi Paps,
Sorry to hear about the bugs brother. What helped me was ladybugs and neem oil.

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Sorry, I see that you already sprayed with neem oil [very high sunny lol]. Good man, if you can find some ladybug larvea these will eat like crazy mf’s…

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I was just shitting about the three stooges. I was born in 1955 so I may have seen them on their second go around.
I’m still old. I was here for the Kennedy(s) and MLK killings. I lived in Boston during the time of the Boston Strangler. I was around for the Manson family killings. The four students killed at Kent State for nothing but protesting the war in Vietnam. It’s been a long strange trip indeed, says Mr. Garcia.


Me and you are a year apart lol


And I’m 3 years older than both of you


Thanks, feel much younger now … frech|nullxnull


Thank goodness your in good health and still working

I wish I could work
I tried taking a part-time job last year lasted about five months came into holiday season all set to do my first black Friday not being in charge of anything woo hoo and then Inflammatory-arthritis took Over my body from my ankles all the way up to my shoulders and I woke up one morning and couldn’t even get out of bed been going to a rheumatoid arthritis doctor he’s got me on on massive doses of prednisone over a year it’s the only way I could get a round. Once they begin to lower the lower the dosages it starts all over again
He said it may be two years like this before it finally eases up


hahahah that is the year I graduated hs, I was a young 4-year-old in kindergarten when Kennedy was shot.

FINE Wine Baby ha ha ha with dusty shoulders :wink:

It was a crazy time for sure, so much happened during the 60s and 70s, mind boggling.

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I will try to find the article, they are studying to see if THC will help cure it, that would be awesome. Have you tried used the THC oil daily with the balm?

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What for real? I thought you were younger then us by a decade at least, I have no idea why.


I’m so jealous of you all… those times definitely seemed a better time… Well damn … looks like I’m the baby of the bunch!! Lol

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Born in 52


Jeez, dude. After all this time I thought I would be older than you by now.


Let me introduce you all to Frankenstein

@Nagel420 @Cormoran @Slick1 my nj brothers

Ty @JohnnyPotseed for all your works on this one

She is a beauty in veg !
love how the mom looks !

The cutting just rooted so let the show begin

@Jetdro I can’t forget


I’m still just like a 17 year old

I’ve read lots of studies that say if young kids start smoking lots of marijuana in their teens a lot of times it’s stunts their mental development and they can stay child like forever I think that’s happened to me


Damn paps… I need some of those … I hear so much about it. . Deffo a have to grow stain

Didn’t @ me

