Pap’s 2022 spring grow

What pap said and also did you do as they call Jet method is it Turbo? I always do a bit of water as he does but without the cup. They need a touch at the beginning.

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I’m putting in between 6.1 and 6.3 (I get it as close to 6.2 as possible as per your suggestion). I checked the PH of the reservoir though and it’s at 6.4. I’m not sure if that slight change in PH alone is doing it or if I’m underfeeding too much. I have to post some pics up later today.

I have no idea what PPM I’m feeding. I put in the recommended amount or slightly less with a teaspoon every 2nd or 3rd fill. I have to get a ppm meter and start getting more in depth I guess.

A bit of water in the soil? The plant is over a month into veg and hearty despite the discoloring. I haven’t given it water through the soil since the beginning.

Nice to see you. I’ve never heard of these, I have battled those things off and on for years, think I get rid of them and Surprise! How ya been?

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Oh, thought you were in flower. Some folks when they transplant from veg into the octopots have issues at first. So I have no answers lol sorry Not meaning to sound like a smart ass there, I’ve never Vegged in them.

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@Slick1 brother she will get big really big lol

Frankie is taking off all clones where the same age
The one in the back left corner was the biggest clone but the one i chose for the Octopots was a bit smaller and her roots where nicely stacking to develop
Maybe clones are 15 days old ish

Frankie in the Octopot’s leaves are larger then her sisters and she is getting big and will fill the net nicely

When all the plants declare sex and I up pot
I’ll move 3 of the Frankie’s to the main tent
When ready to flower I’ll take a clone for a mom

Here’s the boyz
I love the structure of the paps punch ( wish he was a she lol )
On the right is papa’s punch left is PWC

And now the crew
Mostly showing early signs of sex only 1 pwc confirmed female

I don’t know like to decide there faith till the confirm sex


No still in veg. I’m torn between flipping to flower and racing her to the finish line before the issue kills it or taking the time to correct the problem. The reservoir is just such a big variable for me coming from straight soil grows.

I have no doubt considering how vigorous she’s been so far! Just need to dial in this issue. I got used to being pretty hands off with my grows and that seems to not be the best approach when adding a rez.


You won’t really have more work with these then you do soil. I think I would start with a new stress free plant since your first time flowering out. With the Ocotopots, the plants are like they are on steroids, much easier to start with a healthy smaller plant for your first time.


No don’t top feed her that’s for the transplant method only
it’s gives the roots a path to follow to the reservoir

The 6.4 won’t be a problem

I do live by my ppm meter

It tells me how much boosted the feed
or allows me to stay at a steady medium straight feed
I feel the ppm schedule is a key factor

And my feeding schedule
Is what growing forward is all about
Give the plant what it needs so there’s no stress and also to Enhance each stage of its development

Just a quick note I do feel in mid veg stage of development the plants like steady feed around 500 to 600 ppms but once in transition start to boost

I don’t believe in flushing or stop feeding so I Dilute the Reservoir the last few weeks


Very nice looking.

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I want a cut of Frankie

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I want Frankie’s head! boss|nullxnull exclaim|nullxnull. Everything’s looking fine, as usual, thx for the chart … beer3|nullxnull

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I found this I though it looked familiar

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You having troubles in an Octopot?


He made a small octo -pup
And is using a air pot Instead of the fabric bag

And happy frog and ocean forest mix
Not promix or sunshine 4


Well…right there is his problem. Poor soil mix, shouldnt use soil in first damn place, 100% wrong pot for all the wrong reasons, you’d better straighten him out, cause THAT aint gonna work well, and YOU KNOW it.


Yes leaning towards overfeeding after talking to Paps.

I had a reasoning for using soil but it seems to have shot me in the foot so lesson learned there. Have to agree to disagree on the pot though. At the worst the airpot should be as adequate as a fabric pot, at best it would combine the best of both worlds air pruning roots above the reservoir and keeping them moving. @Pigeonman has an octo airpot on a larger scale with no issues.



I’ve used happy frog in the Octopots

Roots moved slowly to the rez and not as developed

Air pot should work well , I’ve seem @Pigeonman thread and it looks good

Live and learn is how we go

If you don’t try it you’ll never know

If you do decide to repot make sure you prune your roots

You’ll do just fine brother


I think the airpot on top is good… I made 1 as well… seemed to work decent… but I was having ph issues back then… also… no need to clean those gross fabric bags after… just spray rinse sterilize repeat

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Wanted to mention, never saw a chart like that before, pretty cool, thanks for sharing.


Yeah it’s a good one
@George turned me on to one a while ago I do use it a lot

Works very well