Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Some smart individual needs to create a wand that tells us what our plant needs, You are low on Nitrogen, damn would make life so much easier.


Ikr!!! But then they couldn’t sell us all those useless pens that last 1 year… lol


In this particular plant the roots found the water in no time, but the the other plant in the same media took longer than expected. When you guys say prune the roots you mean chop everything below the net off completely?

Yeah I’m not sure what about them would make someone think they wouldn’t work. My only thought was maybe the assumption that the fabric would retain some moisture or something.

I saved that the second he posted it :laughing:


Yeah I think so… maybe just more moist at the edges


Not sure it matters due to the goal of having roots hit the res


You won’t hurt the plant by pruning roots it will encourage more growth just don’t go All out Edward Scissorhands on them lol

Trim them below the net if you up pot brother


The ONLY problem I had was the TRIM JAIL required for GROWING A HEDGE INDOORS.



That’s a big problem with the Octopots lmfao :rofl:


Yeah… for sure lol… I can’t grow a plant yet… I’ve tried and tried… looks like led hates me… but all in all…even with the issues I was facing… no stability in ph because of ro water… plus… the vpd charts are old news when we are talking led… with all that going on… even mixing my own nutes using hydrobuddy… I got a plant the biggest in the… I call it an octairpot… roots everywhere!! Plant got big as hell fast… but … as always… died because of other things like the ph etc. But it did better than any other way so far. I’m guessing because I could continually ph the un ph able ro water


@Terpsnpurps , when I work with reservoir style grows I habitually check the PH AT MINIMUM 1x a day, usually 2x.

It doesn’t take more than a few minutes to check, and then a few more to adjust with PH+ or PH- but it’s CRITICAL. I used filtered tap, all the chlorine and chloramine stripped out leaving a PPM around 150 but my water’s PH is ABOVE 8.2 on AVERAGE!. So every mix or even simple watering I’m mixing in PH- to get from 8.0+ down to 6.0-6.2.

It sucks but the plants are so much happier for it.

When I made my RDWC set-up I did all my adjustments in the exterior res return I built to be outside of my tent. For the ΩPot I just did it IN the res as it was all self-contained.

Use a turkey bastor (from a dollar store) to pull out a sample of your solution and then check it with your PH meter. This will give you your daily reading and if you write this down you’ll be able to track patterns so you can eventually make adjustments BEFORE they are even critically needed.

It’ll also up your soil game! I taught myself cannabis growing with DWC and RDWC indoors well before I ever tried soil or soiless indoors and that was piss-easy to do after dealing with reservoirs!!!

Also, the larger the res the easier it is to balance. 5 gal DWC was murder and frustrating versus the 80L res of my RDWC… the ΩPot had so much soil/soilless as a buffer that it was more forgiving for ph swings but still allowed me a good amount of control with 30L running in it when I did.


With stripped ro water I was having to ph at least 3 times a day… no good … I had to mix 100 ppm tap with it to stabilize … also fun fact… you cannot store ro water… in ro form… it has to be immediately restocked with the ions and nutes or will be totally unstable later. Also… another fun fact… air makes ro water acidic as ro water will absorb co2 out of the air @Pigeonman


I find no need to check ph in the reservoir as long as I ph water / feed to the proper ph before I fill the rez ( between 6.0 to 6.3 ish ) but the sweet spot for me is 6.2

We don’t flood or drain with the Octopots so what need is there

When ever I did check it was with in my proper range

When I don’t check before refill then I have issues

Please don’t over think or over complicate things

Use promix ( (there’s no nutrients in it ) add 25 % perlite
Use a good fertilizer that can be adjusted to fit feeding schedule ( I do prefer jacks )
Ph every time you feed
Let reservoir empty between refill
Feed according to ppm schedule and feeding schedule combined


What is so difficult :disappointed: it’s a weed after all lol that takes time ti get it right

Kiss method

Keep it simple , stupid

If you obsess over the minutia you’ll never get throu a grow

There’s times the plants just don’t want to cooperate but we get throu it

Point being you learn by growing from start to finish



You don’t use ro water paps… the reference was for ro water and its issues… I actually posted that to help others, not make excuses… I know what my issues are I think for the most part now. And let me just say . It wasn’t me as much as it was incorrect vpd suggestions from OG members (not u guys) and ro water ph instability… I assure you @Papalag if you used ro water you would NOT have ph in range unless you do what I’m doing with ro water … I ph every time I feed… I calibrate my ph pens weekly… it was the R O water that was my main issue… along with too low Temps as ifish said I had no uptake … but by no means is it because I am overthinking it… if I had not kept thinking and trying like this in this way I’d never have realized the truth about ro water… and that truly was this biggest issue I think… I mean the bottom line… go grab some ro water… give it a whirl… lemme know how it goes… I’m traveling down a rougher path in other words… it’s not always kiss methods… unless we are talking about feeding and watering frequency… but kiss methods with ro water… not a chance… not without the research I’ve had to do… I hope you don’t think I’m that dumb @Papalag … or undermining your intelligence… but yeah there were several things no one seemed to know about ro water here… no one mentioned them to me anyway. So I figured get em out there for anyone else using ro water

Don’t get me wrong… you’re right when you told me I was trying to much at 1 time etc… keep it simple in that aspect absolutely!!

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This past grow I was invaded by thrips

Do you give up after hard work ? Hell no

We do what we need to do fight back and win

Sure it’s easy to scrap everything and start over

Hell no

I spent weeks growing and caring for my babies
And lost a mom too!

But I worked through it and killed those little BITCHES even thou they killed 5 plants out of 21
So I killed them back
Saved a clone from the mom and
I won

So every thing we see through a grow makes us more prepared to take on an other problem



Hahaha I agree man… it has given me alot of my gray hair for sure… I haven’t scrapped any more!!! I know you’re referring to my last attempt… paps was so mad at me… he was like I CANT BELIEVE you CULLED them!! I felt like a dummy!!! But he’s right! Never give up… never surrender… positive vibes and outlook only… I hope to God this is the end of my issues

No bro not everything is meant for you at all in general most peeps over complicate things

And not disrespect was meant by my statement or was any ever taken by anyone

One love

No I don’t use RO water but at one time I used nothing but distilled so it’s probably as close as you’re going to get and I actually paid more money than anything just for water finally I gave up and just adjusted my tap and just kept on adjusting it until it worked I did find out after leaving my tap sit for a week my pH leveled and my PPMs went down

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Yeah… ever since I started mixing the 100 ppm tap the ph is more stable for sure… I don’t even use that ro stabilizer lol… just the tap mix… it’s been alot better ever since… just my overzealous actions to discipline now like overwatering and or upping feed too high and or uppotting too fast or watering too much after an uppot… ahhh the plethora of newbie issues :laughing:… I had a dream… that I put plants in a pot and they just grew… it was amazing lol

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One day this to will come through


I’m thinking we should start a litfa anonymous … hi my name is terps… and I can’t stop touching my plants…