Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Do you have issues getting flower with LEDs?


Yes!! I can’t use anything but my t5 so far for veg… and my light is a full spectrum… gavita pro 1700e… I can’t get through veg!!

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I don’t know if this is your issue, but I could not get large buds under LEDS unless I got the temps up in the low 80s, if I did that under HPS the flower would suffer, if I don’t under LEDs, I don’t get flower.


Yeah I’m seeing I need to be waaaaay higher… I was at 80 81… non uptake. Went to 88 89… uptake …but may be too hot…I can’t tell … I know it gets humid finally on its own now

Maybe strive for around 85. It is so odd, not all have this issue but some have, turn up the heat and boom flower.

Edit-Yea have to use a dehumidifier.

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New group shot

Moved Frankie in the fabric bags over to the big tent where they live from now on

I started to lst the Frankie sisters

The other plants are slowly sexing hopefully early this week will see some major changes I could guess now and take clones and I know I’d be right but there’s always that chance I could be wrong so I’m just waiting it out

Frankie in the small tent is training now


Yeah that’s what I saw on blackdogled… they suggest 85… but my co2 tends to stay around 7 8 hundred at minimum without windows open everywhere so maybe higher is ok? I have my co2 off though currently… but still if it’s windows closed central air on co2 is usually above 700 if not all the way to 1000

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I need to start training my plants, does this keep the height down?


Paps … hang on to some Frankie for me man… don’t give it to me until I got this lined out… but keep a few for me man!!! It’s a rockstar!!

It does help to go horizontal a bit before you allow them to go vertical it does take up less headroom I fine by using a scrog net in my small tent which is only 57 inches high ( as long as I maintain the canopy , helps me to get through a grow without overpowering the tent but then again who am I kidding my plants usually hit the lights anyway
Octopots rule


hahaha I have a couple that are just outright crazy, Unicorn is one that stretches to the heavens, even if put in small, Orange D is about the same. With the octos in one night the Unicorn tops all touched the light lol dang they can grow so fast in them. I would toss this gal but one of my patients on her fav list. Might have to try something like this on her.

Pssst, she was even netted ha!


Lol. I know that my Panama haze went 7 feet in a 5 foot tent that was fun :joy:

Something I’m not that great at is canopy management @Jetdro dose a very good job at that

I know just pull the branches down to even them out but in the big tent I can’t get to the back once they fill in lol
And I can’t crawl under the net anymore it’s Kind of like I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

When I fall I told my wife just leave me there Bring me a sandwich and a cup of coffee I’ll be fine lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


@Terpsnpurps is your tap water whacked that you can’t use it? Never was a fan of RO unless my tap water was fucked !


His ph is very high and it’s very hard

I think over 300 ppms


His ph is very high and it’s very hard water

I think over 300 ppms

I have no idea how I double posted lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


My ppm is around the same but ph is 6.2 / 6.5

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Too funny. This one is like that, damn Amazon plant ha! Bend the branches, tie the branches, net the branches, oh hey lady I am gonna do what I wanna do, remember I am a female ha ha ha


Well ya got 2 likes for double posting lol


He’s been trying to use it and a combination of regular water and RO

I’ve never had these issues and I don’t use RO


Yes it’s over 300 and ph is extremely high… I tried and the buffers fight the buffers I use and I lose the battle

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