Pap’s 2022 spring grow

I’m still smoking on the strawberry razz I love it. Tastes like it smells in a joint :stuck_out_tongue:

You or someone should really make f2s at some point of those anesthesia. The whazzup stuff is really rare now and his stuff was apparently really good. I’m pretty sure I still have a pack of the kronocaine in the freezer but the other one was already sold out by the time I got there. I remember seeing impressive pics of both of em on other og but it’s been many years and he’s never popped back up online as far as I’ve seen. Shit the chemnesia I’m growing right now might be the same amnesia haze cut or similar, who knows but that strain looked like a beast.


Wazzup had sent me a few things way back when . I can’t remember what they were now more than likely still have them.


I do plan to make f2 ‘s I guess they would be

My last pack of anesthesia didn’t work out only 2 lived and they were males

Hopefully this pack will be better


Good luck resurrecting an old strain pal, i know you can do it!


Very cool brother! I also have 1 pack left (also 1 pack of his Kronocaine) Very good stuff! I remember the ‘warm blanket’ feeling of her. Oldskool!



Hi Sunny
I remember that one
never had a chance to pick up a pack
But I remember pictures of that on
You should run them my brother

I wondered what ever happened to whatz-up ?



I don’t remember those names. :sunglasses:

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A lot of us are forum buddies from a site called opengrow. Sannie is the breeder who sponsored the site he has his own seed shop in the Netherlands called , with some great genetics by the way And he’s well known throughout the growing circles ! he’s a very reputable breeder .
That’s where we were introduced to some of the great lines from Eskobar ,whatz up, Naw (nerds at work) & And prof P from dynasty seeds and sinister

If I’m not mistaken how the story grows herijuana was first developed by Sannie , Mota from Motarebel ( I am friends with him and his wife on Facebook an ig I’ve know Them for years at one time she made some great edibles as well ) genetics , and Woodhorse of course
I may have the story mixed up a bit stoner
It was a great site till the crash


I have heard of that one. I do recognize the seed company. Herijuana I have heard of.

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Didn’t Mota and his wife split up?

Yea i would love to grow them, sadly I do want to grow a lot, A-LOT! My own Haze’s, San his creations and Karma’s Sour Diesel and so on haha. But you are right, they are on the list. The Kronocaine (Amnesia haze x Heruijana) was an amazing smoke. One of the first I ever grew lol!

As far I can remember, he’d moved from Holland to the USA and work with lamps, Gavita if i’m right… Dude knew a lot of lights (and ofcourse ganja itself)


No I don’t think so. Whazzup from Opengrow and Wietforum (a dutch forum) went to the USA. Sannie is from Sannies shop; Killing Fields, Suger Punch, Silverfields and so on. He was also the owner of both forums.

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New one got married on 420 2 maybe 3 years now


Ok looks like I’ll try the trash rooters let’s see

Last night they where so happy
Then shit happens
Remember if your not growing your not having problems lol :joy: I took the quote from bigun


No @Prisma is correct whatzup works or worked for gravita

I wish I had room

so many strains so little space so little time


Yea i want to move and have a big room full of ganja and no neighbours :rofl:.
Damn, why is it still illegal in holland


It really sucks over here we have recreational smoke

But no home grow

So damn stupid


I dont get it Paps… Why do still people fight against it. Get over it, and let us enjoy. Let us have our passion!

One day brother, one day we got our rights to grow.


It’ll happen paps… here in illinois we can have home grow… but only med patients… and only 5 plants…

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All in all in the end… it’s not like they’re kicking in doors… you gotta screw up and expose yourself to get caught in most cases… otherwise… grow… no one cares enough to bat an eye anymore… at this point it’s just state and fed government trying to figure out how to exploit it before opening it up like that… It pisses me off… because these are the same bastards that used to vote to put us in prison… " I can see it now. 4 gray haired suits talking about capitalizing" We can’t let em… we have to continue… the black market will always thrive for this reason… always some governmental exploitation geared toward profit… not medicine…