Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Watered all plants way too dry but didn’t look it all plants where very light to pick up

Need a new ph pen it just messin with me

And reset the plants once again placed them on the floor
I’ll trim them up a bit


These clones will not harden off every time I try to get them from under the dome they start to wilt in like 2 hours


Wonder if misting would help.

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I did 2 x’s they are Being finicky

I lost my amnesia clone 2 days ago because of that

I hate when I don’t take enough clones and
1 lags behind


Hey guys, think my air stones create humidity. Have a dehumidifier yet can’t get the humidity under 50, Any ideas?

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Up your temp @Gardenartus and rh will lower
: )


That should work :+1::+1::+1:

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I am in the high 70s to low 80s. If I turn off the air stones I can get it down. I am sure the plants are fine without it during light hours, but wondering if something else I Might do.

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If feed dailed in at that temp
When you up temp just slightly lower ppm of feed by adding some plain water to Rez as plants will drink more

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Old school hippie method to raise rh. Bucket of water with a towel 1/2 in the bucket 1/2 hanging over the side with a fan circulating air

Should raise it a bit

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She needs to lower rh paps : )


Great idea better then the bucket with towels methods

Oh sorry my bad I’m still Groggy

My wife will tell you nobody should listen to me in the morning


You can also defol the plants some
That will lower rh too till leafs grow back

Haha I’m the same paps , lucky it’s afternoon here : )


Changed my mind on these , good in a pinch but not what I was looking for
Plan B
The home made mini octo- pups they’ll fit in the area and feed continuously

I’m thinking of dumping the tents and going wall to wall in my small grow room

It’s 84ish x 63 inches so bare walls lined with panda plastic

I’ll get more room to work in and in general able to get around better


Just paint walls white mat paps and seal up cracks


My grow is in closets, I really need to do something at some point, my veg room is huge, probably need to put up walls and expand. Yea if that big a room, might want to paint.


I am trying to really dial it in instead of going awww it’s okay if it is 60 in there lol. After Bud rot from drying, figured I need to start dialing in better, going to try for 40 the last few weeks. I don’t think it came from the grow, but since I don’t know for sure, figured preventative was better than finding out the hard way.


Less plants if plants kept big
Or smaller plants ie flip sooner if same number of plants needed ( quicker turnaround , more runs per year , as bonus of less veg time )

Less plant mas per meter squared ( leafs ) equals lower humidity


Yea this room is a bit full, I will definitely be doing some removal of leaves. TY :slight_smile: