Pap’s 2022 spring grow

I started mainlining my plants for that reason

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Interesting discussion here @Papalag . I have been running some test myself over the summer and watching the PH in the octo’s. My grow buddy was not hitting the same yields as myself with the same everything so I went looking for answers and found he was using well water that flux big time with PH. Sometimes it is 5ish and other times it was at 3!!! Well there you go that is probably the answer.

I started to check the PH in my pots before and after watering. My filtered water starts at 5.6. After Nutes it is around 6.0. It usually drops a little when I fill the pot up 5.8. What I did to bring up the PH a little since I am little low after filtering is I load the first two layers at the bottom of the pot with my normal sunshine mix #4. I have a bag with promix CC which has a little lime in it. I put in about 2 cups of it and spread it out and then load the rest with sunshine mix#4. What I find that happens is when the water soaks into the soil in the bag and hits the lime it pulls my PH up to 6.6 6.7 within 20mins and it holds it there to about 6.0 when I need to refill again.

I have been running this test all summer and it appears to be working for me. Just thought I woudl throw this out there in the discussion.



@Gravitys-Rainbow whats your tap befor you filter it ? Ppm and ph

As of right now

171 PPM

Why did you feel the need to filter it , just curious @Gravitys-Rainbow

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I use octopots and liquid nutes (TPS1) I want everything out of the water. TPS1 has everything…everything a cannabis plant needs to grow healthy. My plants at 10 weeks dont even look ready to cut yet because they are so healthy looking. Rarely do I have yellow leaves to trim off at harvest. If they are there they are at the bottom of the plant hidden under other leaves.

My thinking is “out with all the bad and unknown and the good stuff takes its place”


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Is tps1 a one part feed ? For all of grow ? Veg and flower with no added supliments required in flower etc ? @Gravitys-Rainbow

Yup… They have supplemental stuff for flowering and I am going to test it out next year but i find the cost for any supplements are snake oil at best and the cost of it doesn’t give credence to what you get as extra yield.

TPS1 is advertised as taking you from veg & bloom. With octopots you can’t go wrong and never need to play soil chemist trying to find the unknown. Octopots & TPS1 takes 1/3 of the growing problems away.

I am yielding around 1.6 1.8p per 5x5 using octos and TPS1 on 3 plants.

You got pics of plants on the feed in late flower ? @Gravitys-Rainbow

I sure do…

current grow 5 weeks 2 Blackberry Kush - 6.5 weeks Purple Kush on left

Last grow about 6 weeks too (2) Blue dreams and a runtz

My purple Kush at 5 weeks.


Lookin good : )

You should try adding some pk in flower , and lower amount of tps1 used , this will lower the amount n thus lowering the amount of leafs in colas and buds will be denser too ( higher leaf to calyx ratio )
Plant will use all energy to producing bud and not some growing leafs to store n in( better light penetration too and lower humidity )


And for the record I credit @Papalag for the Octopots. When I came back to growing after 20 years I came here again and did research on what had changed. His post were some of the reasons why I chose octopots.


Thank you! I got more experimenting to do. We will see how the TPS1 supplements next year work. I plan to share test result on my grow journal here. I agree with adding a little more PK but there is not much N in the TPS to overwhelm the plant although my opinion could be wrong. (get off my lazy ass and do more trimming too would help) One concern I have about cutting back on the TPS1 is there are much more things in TPS1 than NPK , like micros and my fear would be cutting them back might negate additional volume as I have started to play soil chemist and now have throw something else out of wack. There are micros in the TPS1 Supps so that is why I am anxious to try it out and either stamp it snake oil or go out and be an apostle for the process.


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I know , your thinking is good
To save money just go regular pk
Do not fear the lack of micros
As long as some there from reduced tos1 all should be fine
Only ca mg and iron defs is all you need to watch out for and adjust feed accordingly @Gravitys-Rainbow


Hey… stopping in to ask any and everyone… if they know where to find heavy indica with heavy sedative effects for sans wife… dealing with ms… she can’t smoke it anymore so would need to be an edible… anyone that can help hop on over to sans thread and see if there’s anything you can do… the progression of Ms seems to be quicker rather than slower by what he’s saying… so time is of the essence…


Purple Kush is a good one.

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Needs to be a 9 week strain

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@Terpsnpurps It is a quick one 8 weeks. at 6 weeks I had 60/40 Cloudy/dark tan Trichomes. Compared to the Blackberry Kush which at 6 weeks has no tan and a 90% are cloudy right now.

Purple Kush is 100% indica.


@Gravitys-Rainbow you got a pick of the back of your tps1 bottle
I see they are organic , I’m more salt guy but I still like a nosey , love backs of bottles : )

Would you happen to have some u can send sans? Beans?