Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Plants like the ones you have will finish between 3 and 5 ft tall in those containers flipped today😁
There is a short phenotype and a tall phenotype. A couple weeks into flower you will know which is which. The short ones might finish at two and a half feet, usually nice and round if topped once and a good yield too. One of the tallest stretchy phenotypes could get about 4+ft wide and as tall if the branches are tied out. The good news about those is that you can put them close to the light and flower another plant underneath them LOL. There is still plenty of light for a short one underneath if necessary. It’s strange but somehow the very loose budding flowers of the tall stretchy phenotypes Stack Up and in volume can equal the yield of the short ones. But the thing with the tall stretchy plants is there is no stem in the flowers, just a jar of calyxes…( or calyx’s?? Anyone know which is the correct spelling?) My personal opinion is that the smoke from these plants is extra special but they are all good. If any of them are going to throw out male flowers they will most likely do so around week 10. Just keep an eye out for the whole cycle but you should be good.


Hi all update time
Time to flip the small tent
@Upstate thanks for the push into flower
The 6 in front are oxacana I topped the biggest one
Of the six to keep them all at the same hight
The back row left is chocolate rain f2 @Islayhearts repo
Middle Australian bastard cannabis in a 5/5 plastic pot about day 40 in flower
Right side @santero NYC sour


I actually have a plan
Really I do
In ruffly 40 days the abc comes out giving us a little space
And the other 2 will come out sooner then the Oax will

Also I’ll be trimming and pruning to keep vegetation down for air flow

A combination of lst and super cropping will help to control hight

Also I’ll adjust the light schedule as the time progresses we stared at 12/12 and I’ll reduce it by a 1/2 hour every 3 weeks or so to end up at 10/14


Sounds like a good plan! Nice mix of genetics you have there


Hi all
It time to check on the girls
Feeding at this stage
Jacks 20/20/20
Jacks 15.0/0/0
Epson salts
Total ppm 680
NPK of 2/1/1
In the main tent
Group shot

All strains are in Octopots from clones moms in 3 gallon fabric bags and a clone in a 5/5/7 plastic pot

NYC Sour by San
The 2 in the Octopot are responding to topping nicely going for 8 mains on each they are 2 different plants but look like sisters

Auto Samsqutch repo by Sebring seeds
Getting fat she’s at day 50 ish

Chocolate rain f2 repo by slayer
Going for 8 mains responses well to topping
Easy to train

SSDD f2 by Holy Angle
The clone in the Octopot was a little slow at first but is now catching up .I topped her and she responded well . Mom loves the training and is growing nicely mom is topped for 4 mains

Oaxacana by upstate
She not in an Octopot in the main tent for fear of her over running the tent
Mom trained easy loves the promix and I feed every watering she took 680 ppms very well

Now the small tent

Flipped to 12/12
3 days in flower
Oaxacana has her own tent
All 6 clones are in 2 gallon fabric bags
Only topped one she was just too big
Back row abc in the middle to the left CR to the right NYC S

No one can say I don’t grow OG’s seeds lol
All strains are repos
Thanks for stopping by
Smoke em if you got em


Everything looks great! :star_struck:


I’m loving it.


I just noticed that my ABC is having a accidental babies she accidentally got hit by the Oaxacana pollen when they where together for a while lol :joy:

She is full of seeds

And they are growing nicely


They don’t call it Australian Bastard Cannabis for nothin! :wink:


Bastard seeds from the bastard mother LoL :rofl::rofl:


Hi all
Let’s light it up and get this updated started

Flipped then as of today so let the games begin

It looked a little crowded in there so moved the Oaxacana mom and a clone to the small tent

But it’s crowded everywhere I turn
I think I may have my hands full :crazy_face:

Photo dump

I just couldn’t kill any of them
So here we go
Think I’ll defoliate soon


A great tent management shot, papa!!
The different plant stages, living united, in all their pre and budding glory!!
Excellent work papa!!


Thanks bro

I think it’s going to get wild in there



I’ve been playing switch the tents and putting lights on timers all over the place just to get to this stage all plants are in flower

Do you think I can fit another auto in there lol


Just making a few notes for those who may care to know
Filled the octopods to the 2 nd level
Being the first week of transition I fed them a 2/1/1 npk using jacks 20/20/20 +15.0/0/0 plus Epson salts

Total ppm 498

Ph 6.10
Every day I’m pruning and trimming my plants I firmly believe the main line method is crucial to chat management being said the damn tent is crowded as hell and just what I hoped for ! I’ll get through it



Well not with out doing some serious redesign or a tent merger!!

1 Like

Well 3 Oaxacana males snuck by me so now I have a little more space in the small tent

And an other chance to collect pollen woo hoo

And a flower from the garden the mrs really likes this one


That is a damn good photo brother :flushed::fire::fire::fire:


Thank my friend

I enjoy my garden glad you like the pic


The small tent is in day 15 in this shot
Oaxaca repo by our very own upstate
Notice the bud development starting up

Main tent
Random shots
Right side

Left side


NYC Sour @santero both of these are huge train east

SSDD holy angle down to 7 mains ouch :face_with_head_bandage:

San Marzano plum tomatoes

Chocolate rain @Islayhearts
Mainline style she’s going to be a beast

SSDD f2 our own @HolyAngel
She lost a main branch ( in Octopots) do to me moving around too much , mom also mainlined as well very easy to train !
Big fan leaves on this one very Obvious indy dom

1 chocolate rain and 1 nyc sour are at 15 days in flower
All others are at 8 days in flower in the main tent

All plants are very healthy and happy

I defoliated a bit earlier then I normally have been known to ( that’s why the broken main :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

So smoke em if you got em



Looking great up in there. Jungle time this summer. Hope you get a nice big harvest with killer smoke.