Paps Octopots grow

this Is how it started I was having trouble rooting lemon gas
It took 21 days to root ( never had that happen to me in 15 years ) I did some reading and someone said to make sure that the rooter fit rightly in the rooter
I normally use wire ties but ran out so the wire ties worked

I believe is the whole process that makes a difference

• cut and scrap stem at node
•let soak in water 10 minutes
• then let it sit in the rooting gel 10 minutes ( clones gel)
• cut rooter open ( I cut it open and place the cutting in it and tie tightly, I find when you push the stem through the hole you remove most of the gel )
• wet and place under doom
• spray 2 x ‘s daily

I seen roots in 7 to 8 days this way on some strains and even on the woody stems
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