Paps Octopots grow

A hard pass for me then. Not spending the $$$ My plants seem ok without it, lol


5 ml for 10 gallons on the label but it says you can go 3 x ‘s the recommended amount not cheap but I figured I’d try it


Clones looking great
The ones I took on the 11th has roots already and will be transplanted tomorrow

Moms looking good first 5 plants on the right are undetermined sex so I’ll keep an eye on them I’ll wait a week then flip the mom room to 12/12 I have a small bloom light I’ll switch off with the t 5 ‘s


FAST ROOT…HOOT HOOT !! Complete sentence, yes it is


can i ask you put zip ties around them ?

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this Is how it started I was having trouble rooting lemon gas
It took 21 days to root ( never had that happen to me in 15 years ) I did some reading and someone said to make sure that the rooter fit rightly in the rooter
I normally use wire ties but ran out so the wire ties worked

I believe is the whole process that makes a difference

• cut and scrap stem at node
•let soak in water 10 minutes
• then let it sit in the rooting gel 10 minutes ( clones gel)
• cut rooter open ( I cut it open and place the cutting in it and tie tightly, I find when you push the stem through the hole you remove most of the gel )
• wet and place under doom
• spray 2 x ‘s daily

I seen roots in 7 to 8 days this way on some strains and even on the woody stems
Thanks for stopping by


thanks for the explanation… been rooting right in the grow medium in small pots … so far so good but then maybe i am growing strains that root easy…am just using the method i had used for years to root garden flowers … using powdered hormone and i poke hole in the medium with a pencil stick the clone in and push the soil a bit to make sure it is in contact with the stem …have way more experience with other plants then with MJ …


That’s what I always did some took 14 days to root
Once I saw them root quickly to me it’s worth the extra effort
And I’ve had no failed attempt
Thanks for your input


I noticed What appears to be the start of a potassium deficiency only on the Atf x nl5 and the hgk x gogi
So I mixed up a spray bottle with some epson salts , gave them a spray it lights out now so I’ll check on them later
I made sure the fan is on to circulate the air


Got something new to try Mota was having an auction on IG

Added to the vault I have no idea why I keep getting more seeds it’s a curse


How cool, 10 for you, 5 for me, good eye!


@Jetdro If you want some any time bro there’s always some for a friend


Zeroing in on the problem when in doubt it PH
I remember the last water I didn’t ph my water it’s very high in alkaline and it show it fast damn rookie mistake lol
Well if you don’t have problems you not growing lol to quote @Bigun


Hey bro don’t kick yourself.
As long as i have been growing,i still make rookie mistakes…lol

U do great!!


@Bigun I don’t kick too hard anymore lol :joy:

Well it’s day 7 of 12/12
The two in the back are freakin beasting up and have taken over there space ( glade I modified the scrog net ) did some creative bondage so to speak and they are filling in
In the front right side the atf /nl5 is looking good and has multiple as is f@&$$in many bud sights

On the left is shive dawg I have not topped her only tied down some side branches I want th main cola just for shitz and giggles :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The ph issues cleared up once I set the proper ph level
Think I’ll defoliate this week
Pics taken at lights out
Thanks for stopping by

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Clone tent is coming along just fine


Looking great bro.
I think.i have a good f/m ratio.
There is 3 males for sure and i believe the rest f.


Day 10 of flip
Watered today only to the first mark
They are full drinking at different rates
Lemon gas drank the well dry and hgk x gogi was not far behind
The Atf xnl5 slower But filling in nicely
the shive dawg is a smaller plant and younger so it’s expected

Next week I’ll start jacks and I’ll fill the Rez just because I’ve got 3 weeks of this feeding schedule


Appears like the HLK/Goji is coming into her own in flowering…does not look “left behind” anymore

MY PLANTS did really well on the Jacks…did straight up 10 30 20 from week 3. 4 and 5 were also 10 30 20 I think. Weeks 6 and 7 were 50/50 10 30 20 and 5 12 26. Weeks 8-10 are now straight 5 12 26

Weeks 8, 9 , 10 FOR SURE straight up 5/12/26…KNOW weeks 3/4 were straight 10 30 20. Would have to go back through my journal to make sure of week 5. Weeks 6 and 7 WERE 50/50 split ratio .

Yu gonna run the same ratios I did or going your own custom route???

Tent is set for explosion in 20 days or so!!! Cannot wait to see it.

YOUR gonna be shocked at Bud density and stink level if you run those ratios. Getting the High ratio % ige of N out of flower has completely changed the game. Hitting P early, K late in 3 or 4 to 1 ratio’s blows them up, turns them into goo makers supreme.


For sure running the same feeding schedule
I had an earth juice called meta-k it’s only k and nothing else
I was talking to fish about it and once I see the change in them around week 7 or 8 depending on them a may add a bit
Thanks again bro