Paps Octopots grow

It’s day 55 after flip
Very impressed with the development buds are hard and increasing in size daily

The two in the back about 1 level ahead in drinking the Rez dry contest! its amazing how much they drink !


Looking good over there…

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Thanks @Djfda714

Day 56 in flower filled the Rez today with jacks 5/12/26 1 teaspoon per gallon and added meta k at 1 teaspoon per gallon ppm 979
In the back 2 the front ppm was 910

There beasting up getting fatter every day
The back 2 are drinking much more then the front 2
And the lemon gas is the thirstiest one of all 2 gallons ahead

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Sweet run my friend!!! Appears the HGK/Goji grew well for you, you will like her flavor, Goji OG with a backside of KUSH flavor.

How is the NL5/ATF??? Will be in my next run.

The new schedule worked excellent for me BTW, they finished PHAT, HARD, STINKY and with a HUGE FADE!!! Bout fucking time!!! Fade started end of week 8, was perfect.


Well it’s about time great to see you back my friend
Iam at the beginning Of week 9 fading started
Shouldn’t be too much longer buds are rock hard
And the hg x gogi Is a fat bitch I like them fat lol


Jet you’ll love the Atf x nl5
A friend grow it out it turns black in color and was devastating ( my room is heated so I don’t expect to see that drastic color )
Buds are not the biggest in my scrog but there’s a lot of them and they are frosty As f

The next time I grow this one I’ll give it a longer veg

Trichomes are very large and getting cloudy as we speak


Good to see you back @Jetdro!

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Hi all day 59 from flip day 45 from bud development
The feeding schedule works well dense, fat, heavy buds ! :star_struck: some are fading more then others but no doubt these ladies are beasts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Group shot

A few bud shots
First up is Atf x nl5 sinister seeds

Shiva dawg @santero

lemon gas greenrebelfarms

Holy grail kush x gogi OG @Jetdro fading nicely

Enjoy the show


DAMN MAN!!! you nailed it this time didnt you!!! Great work. How much longer. I let HGK go 65 days or so I think.


I’m at day 59 Week 9 on the feeding schedule
may be 2 weeks for most of them
I think the Atf x nl5 will go early the trichomes are very large , and fully developed and started to cloud up

Bro the lemon gas is harder and heavier then the last grow

The stalks in the back are falling over there so damn heavy it’s a good problem to have

The hgk x gogi is hard as f bro :crazy_face:
Trichomes still need to develop more


YUp, the difference is amazing isnt it!!! The group shot is killer looking man!!!

Where is @ifish at???

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Don’t know haven’t seen fish here but he liked a post on open grow recently

Sur is pretty…
Love all those little white balls…
I have that ogah and they have single buds as big as the bottom of a small coke bottle.i.topped mine at 12" so they would not get ery good.
Probably had i known i could have let them grow bigger but i only had a room with a liw ceiling.
This was a test run anyway and my neighbor had to help me…
I use a hanna 3 in one PH…PPM…TDS.

Enjoy and tell the wife hello


The start of week 10 day 63
Lemon gas drank the Rez dry a day ahead of the others fed lemon gas 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of jacks I’ll dilute the others then-check the ppm in the Rez the lemon gas ppm is 484 so I’ll try to dilute the others to that level
I’ll keep them at 1/2 a teaspoon per gallon till they finish I feel 1 to 2 weeks more
They are all showing the last growth spurt they are beefing of nicely
I’ll post pics soon


Papa I’ve been using the same nutrient schedule as you. I took a tester bud last week and it burned to a white ash with zero flush. I’m in 1/3/3 part of the schedule. I don’t think a flush will be required at all.


Thanks @Tiger great to see you here
Bro the schedule is a killer these ladies are fat and dense and sticky as f I can’t wait soon
I’ll take a tester bud and try it later
They are fading nicely and I’m seeing some color


Hay @Tiger just tried a bud of atf x nl5 gave it a quick dry and ash was clean oh and by the way this shit is fire :fire: Indy surpassed exemptions its still not ready I feel end of the week beginning of the next . Trichomes are getting cloudy and some amber but still to many clear

The feeding schedule works thanks to @ifish and @Jetdro for all their work and passing on the knowledge and the passion

Here’s a few pics on there progress
Lemon gas at least needs 2 weeks but still drinking haven’t slowed down
Holy grail kush x GoGi OG at the same stage just a little slower
Shiva dawg still needs time I’ll say at the same stage as the atf x nl5 she’ll be done soon slowed up on feeding but still putting on weight
I’ll just keep checking

Atf x nl5

Shiva dawg

Holy grail kush x GoGi OG

Lemon gas



Looking fantastic! I’m doing an all Sannies run. Shackzilla, Kolossus, Killing Fields and Herijuana.
I mainlined the plants to control height and killed the stretch in the K and S, but the buds are almost baseball sized! Amazing! I agree. Thank You Ifish and Jetdro for laying out the path.


The buds on the Atf x nl5 are not large but they are the hardest I’ve seen and there’s a lot of them
The lemon gas is so much denser And harder then the last 2 grows so I am impressed
Shiva dawg is also much harder and fatter then before
Jetdro the HGK x GOGI I’d hard as f and is showing some purple my phone just don’t do it justice



excellent,paps!!! great grown and happy lookin :+1: