Paps Octopots grow

I’d be lost without my ph meter and my ec/ppm meter : )


I gave mine to my brother, I have been just using the drops when needed.


Day 31 after flip
Frost is starting to build up and sparkling
The lemon gas is doing the same as the last run ( back right side ) tall long stems filling in nicely but seems to be developing faster ( maybe the new jacks feed ? )
Buds on all at this stage are hard to the touch and when you smell you’re fingers they stink lol
I see less stress then last time and much better color ( less N at this stage ) the 1/3/2 ratio seems to work
Last feeding was yesterday I filled the back 2 plants up to the level of the front 2 ( the back 2 are feeding much faster and planing to switch the ratio to 1/3/3 at the beginning of 6 till end of 7 ) so I’m trying not to give them more then they’ll use in 4 days or so then with the mute change I’ll fill the Rez

The Atf x nl5 is a shorter plant but is going to be a bud beastie ( first time growing this one )

Jetdro’s hgk x gogi is keeping up with lemon gas ,tall lanky,
Looks like it will yield well ( first time growing this one )

Shiva dawg is far different this time harder buds and a better look then the last time ( I feel it takes time to know a plant need to run them 3 times before you get to know what’s she’s like ) I’ve run her 3 times I have seeds and will retire the mom after this run for a while
Here some pics
First is shiva dawg ,next bud shot is lemon gas then hgk xgogi then atf x nl5

The purple sun looks cool


lotsa buds in the make…looks promizing ,Paps :thumbsup:


@saxo hay bro thanks for stopping by
Those girls do look good but can’t that too much credit the Octopots do all the work I just watch what they do lol

I’ve got my moms picked for the next 2 runs maybe this time I’ll be able to start the new grow once I harvest the current one

This is going to be the first Octopots grow that I’ve dialed in ( hopefully lol :joy:).


Day 37 after flip
Just a few pics
Started feeding jacks a 50/50 mix of 10/30/20 and 5/12/26 for a 1/3/3 npk ( schedule listed above in thread ) they seem to love it and all are stacking nicely and frosty as fook the Atf x nl5 the buds are rock hard and you can ski down those leaves

Jets holy grail kush x gogi OG is beasting up expecting a good yield iv smoked it before thanks to my friend and very happy to have seeds for more fun in the future


Nice looking plants! Good pictures of them too. Looks like you know what your doing .


@SnidleyWhiplash thanks got lucky with my iPhone for once lol
Stop by anytime


Hey paps could I ask ya an octopots? ? I’ve got six plants I uppotted out of solo cups to 1/2 gallon container. I shoulda just gone into the new octos but I didn’t. I read in jetdros stuff it’s best go into octos outa solo cups. In your experience am I screwed? :grinning:. Thanks buddy in advance


@Jjm hi bro
On an other sight I was the test case (guinea pig lol so to speak ) @jetdro
Would agree best quickest and most effective is from solo cups to Octopots just before the roots start to circle at the bottom of the cup
Being said i have up potted to a 1/2 gallon container from solo cup before Octopots to avoid the circling at the bottom (Octopots we’re still in flower )
No not screwed at all you’ll see better developments the sooner they go in
It’s a learning curve and timing

I tried cloning In it with that cloning plastic bag they offer didn’t work well one out of 4 rooted


Thanks buddy I love trying new things just didn’t have room for them in the octos at the time they were ready. I’m doing a seed run with these and really don’t want f them up😀. Thanks again for the help I read jetdros advice and was a lil worried. I also was a bit concerned I packed the soil a bit tight too. Loose has always worked for me but it was mentioned tight a few times.


You can always clone them now then that gives you 3 weeks to play with then cull the bigger plants once the clones root
That’s what I do

I run 8 moms if they get too big that’s what I do I just hate to kill perfectly good plants but I have minimal space
If I can help please just let me know


Changed over to 1/2/3 on the back 2 the front still had a gallon in them so tomorrow they should be near empty
The feeding schedule seems to agree with them , buds are rock hard and bigger then the last grow
I also see a nice fade beginning low n is the key

Pics soon


Hi all pic day
DY 52 after flip
Followed the feed schedule all plants are at 1/2/3 for npk Now my new ppm meter came in handy I learned that the measuring spoons may be off ( heavy hand vs light so to speak ) ppm was 910 on the to I filled and 825 on the back 2
I didn’t try to even it out just wanted to see what the push will do
@ifish if you can shout out if I’m wrong
Week 9 on the schedule showing an increase to 1.5 teaspoon per gallon of the 5/12/26
Question instead of the increase how about I add the meta k at this point they look close I was going to add this week but held off
Ok here’s some pics


You got a jungle going on over there papa.


Thanks my brother
There’s a big difference from last grow and this one
Buds are harder ,denser and fatter hopefully the yield will increase as well

I was looking bar the trichomes and the atf x nl5 look close as do the lemon gas they may go early but I won’t rush it


Its looking good for sure. Between you and jets grows with the octos i think im sold on them. Just waiting on my tax return to do a few upgrades to the grow.


They are well worth it I’ve grown in dirt for 10 years these Octopots are a new way to me and had a bit of a learning curve but with the help of some good friends and a little trial and error it gets better every time

I don’t grow as many plants but I do yield a hell of a lot more and less work


thought about giving this a try but i worry that when i have bad times with MS and my garden gets neglected the plants in soil can take a lickin and keep on tickin so to speak …how fast can things go wrong?

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Hi there @riverlady
Ok this is my 3 rd run with them
Once the Rez is filled (6 gallon ) in veg a week between filling (feed every-time you fill the Rez)
In flower they can drink a gallon or better a day so depending on the strain

With what I use to feed I’ve had zero deficiency or issues I ph my tap water ( let the tap water sit of course for 24 hrs ) ph between 5.5 and 6.2 at all times

I’ve run the Rez dry for a day and nothing happened so far so good
Oh they do have a extra Rez to refill auto like
Thanks for stopping by