Paps Octopots grow

Coming from the perspective of someone who read the whole thread in one go, it is pretty damn cool to see the coaching, the tweaking, and, especially, the results of your adjustments from one grow to the next. In a world where there so many ways to skin a cat, it’s easy to get “option paralysis” and not really know which direction to follow. To me, the learning HAS TO be first hand: what did i change, what did it do? I can listen to advice until I’m blue in the face but it means nothing to me until I see my own hands do it then step back and evaluate. It’s cool to see your gains from an outsider’s perspective.
Update: Just got to the end of the thread. Holy cow, man, glad you were home and caught the fire, glad the pigs didn’t find anything, etc. Damn.


Holy shit, I’m glad it worked out ok for ya that could have been much worse! Luckily you have a few ounces of killer bud to calm your nerves :sunglasses:


Thank for all the kind words
Glad you enjoyed the show


The cops were standing right in front of the door I had jars open the fire smell took over at least
Wow this was close


Man I would have been shitting my pants too. Glad it worked out for the best and the fire was contained.


thats why women lighten matches after useing the toilet :wink: nice to hear,you&yours are well!!!


Holy crap man! Glad you’re ok!

So just a regular old 9v battery had a spray can touching both battery terminals? That seems like a very dangerous situation and a safety design flaw. I mean, they recommend carrying a 9v and some steel wool in a survival kit bc if you put the steel wool on both terminals it heats up enough to start a fire. Makes me wonder how much a liability this giant bin of batteries is that my wife keeps from shopping at costco!


Who would have thought about that really
As you can see it’s a mess
Cleaning crew from the insurance company will be by soon hope for the best


Well thank goodness I took everything down and out
Finally someone asked to see Inside ,no problem I set it up to look like a work shop to repair my guitar :guitar:
I have one I need to strip down and refinish
It’s on a work bench and a few others laying around and I made it sound proof
So it’s my little studio lol
Well it’s going to be at least 2 months till there gone
Damn I want to crack some beans it’s the first time in years I don’t have a garden going
Oh well
Shite happens lol


Better safe than sorry…
stay safe over there @Papalag

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Extra pleased you and yours are alright, it looks like it definitely would have been worse without immediate reaction. I stopped by last night at 4:20am and was totally blown out by your flower pics, I’m guessing your using life skills to recover and waiting to be on the grow again. I’m going to go thru your thread and sketch up a portrait for the captains lounge on the oG13xRomulan F3 yellow bird of peace, this comes with a promotion to Captain Paps, in charge of the bean crackin germination station for the Platinum Pineapple F4, this is of course a temporary until such time that return to the ABC’s of OverGrow…
Keep being good to yourself, seeyah when I seeyah.


Thanks my friend all safe and sound and starting fresh :+1:


Good morning to you my friend. I have enjoyed your journal. I’m such a dumb ass I don’t know how I keep hitting these old topics. Anyway I’ll find you


Why thank you @Hemp I appreciate the kind words



You’re good to me you show me support I’ll just try to make my rounds and do the same for everybody else you do have some good growing I do like it. The one with the guy dancing I’ll never get over that


How far are you folding the bags down without issue?

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The maker octochris said they will work with 13 inches of soil

So I fold 4 to 6 inches

No less then 13


thanks man, appreciate it. I’ve seen some go a little lower 7/8" fold down for autos. First time using them for me, guess I should start a diary. :slight_smile:


Great please post what your doing

If I can help pleas ask away

I always felt it was a lot of soil so I started lowering the bag with no issues

Just remember to only fill the reservoir to the 1 st level until the roots hit the reservoir
This takes about 15 to 20 days
Not sure about autos

I know @ShiskaberrySavior has grown autos in them

You will love how easy they are to use “ set and forget lol”

Once I started using them my plants looked better and my yield increased greatly



Appreciate it man. I just created a diary to log it, it’s pending at the moment.

Hoping to get the photos down and then try the auto beans I have. That’s where I have the res now, just a bit more than the 1st marker, they just broke soil on 20Jan.