Paws and effect 🪴🌱

go for it better to have more than enough and give some away or trade it for some help moving! aim for 25zips and push those girls hard!

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I’ll see what I can do!!! I’m going to get geared up and clone soon. :crazy_face: I’m going to fill that tent so hard. It’s going to be an epic grow :sunglasses:…25 zips would be definitely be sick and :fire: af.


you got it forget your limit but 32 3 gallon pots sounds about right :stuck_out_tongue:

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What do you mean? Lol I stay within my plant count. It will be easy to fill the tent with 8 or so plants. I use 3 gallon fabric pots, soil… lol im confused a bit bro

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i forgot what your plant count was haha was saving you veg time! 8 will do LOL

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Lol I’m capped at 15. But I do keep moms. So I just balance stuff out. I like to keep 2 of each strain in case one fails. 2 mac1 and 2 fritter.


Nice. Thing is you cannot do a long veg on these they outgrow the tent. Only 30 days max.


even more reason im going to try hard to find a cut this summer lol. im allowed high numbers so i love to run lots of smaller plants

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That’s awesome. I have been happy to be growing 15 since the first year of medical in this state. More would be fun. But this is usually enough for me. It keeps me from spending money I don’t have. Also, it’s so much better than what I can get. When it was med and not rec everything was still dank af. Now its all big biz bud. Shit. Mids lows. Nothing worth my penny.


You a producer or something lol

yep i just talked to a friend who is still paying 50 a quarter for garbage corporate weed. tossed him some edibles hopefully he doesnt panic to much after he eats lol


Lol nice. That’s always fun. 50 bucks gzzzz. Growing is so much easier on the wallet.


Your friend is going to have fun! I’m pretty sure most of us don’t make weak shit :rofl:

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nope! first batch i made myself last year sent me for a walk 2 hours later i found my way home. the initial walk was for the hospital because of panic then i ended up in a park just watching ppl. took 8 hrs to come down. learnt to dose it better now lol


O man. What a trip. Must’ve been great!. I like edibles. But I hate what it does to my tolerance. Dabs are nice too. But it screws up my flower intake level. Or how much I need or do consume.

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a trip indeed. lol… i had to stop smoking for a cpl months cause lungs were irritated from drywall dust so i took to eating. so now i do both just smaller scale lol

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Right on you figured it out. Drywall dust sounds like it could so some damage on your lungs ouch. Hope your doing better now. Hey man, you have a good night ill catch up with you later do me a favor and stop by the thread whenever you feel like it should be a fun grow show soon. Later dude!


mostly better now thanks. same here 3 am u have a good one and ill be around lurking as always gn


Hope you’ll stick around for the next round!.. pack a bowl. Break out the munchies and get comfy. Another round of fritter is on the table.


I will my friend.