Paws and effect 🪴🌱

Decided that it would be a good time to germinate some seeds I procured. I decided to start 3 critical thunder, 3 pineapple kush, and 2 lemon kush. I went ahead and started three random female seeds for the garden outdoors. I have high hopes for this grow. Once germinated I will start posting pic updates… These will be under a 600 watt mh. I am Starting them under a flo set up. My plan is to transfer them to mh when they are about two weeks.

I’ve always been a sucker for the ziploc bag method, hope all these beans sprout.!4/10/2020 update!!!/ Easter day update all auto beans have popped 100% success at germination once again with the paper towel method! Got them all under a t5. 4/12/2020 update the three reg fems popped and have been planted! All 11 under a t5 now. Will take pics when all have sprouted!. So happy at the germination results! Sneek peek…>>>>>>> pinapple kush Lemon kush! Lemon kush! Another Pinapple kush sprouted…


Good luck man , keep it OG


looking good, should be some nice variety…

is that a membrane or mechanical keyboard?


Thanks man, stay kind.@Jhentz


Mechanical,. I really hope for a nice variety from these strains. Thank you by the way, @legalcanada


Seven made it.! All autos. Red solos are Critical. And the others are Pinapple kush. The smaller ones are Lemon kush. And then these were two :hot_pepper: plants i started… was very stoned and forgot what they were though…any ways my t5 space is occupied so I through them under a hid 600w mh. I got a bit of stretch, but I am not to worried. 4/19/2020 update.


Hey paws your pictures aint showing up. I fhink you need to remove the space between the exclamation mark and the picture name at the front.

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that work? @2k19Starter

I can click and download m, but for them to show up in the thread I think they need the exclamation point in front of m:

Yes so like this…VV


This is my budshot from last harvest btw :slight_smile:


nice, just fixed it thanks for pointing that out @2K19Starter


Looking good! I started 13 White Widows on the 6th! I will post veglings soon​:spider::grey_exclamation:13 germ and 13 sprouted :grin: 2 are iffy, but the other 11 are Stout and steady. I am following these ladies to see how they mature! I lost 8 WW Auto to mice at the end of March. New spot, and new plan this time… Oh yeah, and a CAT ROAMING THE PERIMETER and an eye on the sky for 24/7 visual access. Sorry no more tender THC for you Mickey, just a shell full of rocksalt and a Kitty’s class for y’all from now on! If they behave maybe I will give them the stems AFTER harvest :cowboy_hat_face:


Thanks man!

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We used that stuff in our shells on the farm ha. Good days. @Nanuke74

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@Pawsfodocaws I figure if they made it past the traps, poison, eviction, and now, camera and-or cat… The least I can do is give em a fighting chance :spider: been shooting skeet since I could hold my 410 though so they better hope they can Hustle if they wanna go this time :joy:
P.S. honestly the cat just prefers a tinge of salt over steel bbs in trap loads :wink:
Timing of both our crops should be close too!!!
Can’t wait to share the journey and knowledge along the way.

Is it July yet…:thinking::roll_eyes::rofl:

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My last babies before they were executed


Haha right on. We will have to watch each others grows! Love skeet shootin!


420 update… All are looking healthy. The 2 critical mass in the cups are looking deformed… I guess we will have to see how they turn out. :smiley:


pic update. 4/21/2020


All of the plants got put in bigger pots today for optimal root growth throughout the life of these autos. I have found running autos under 24 hour light gives you the best yield, I have not done much reading into it but have seen many others opt to do 18/6 for the light cycle… happy 420 all 4/22/2020


And to add to this journal the only additional nutrient that I plan on introducing will be bat guano, for increased bloom and yield. I will be adding one teaspoon to the top of the soil and watering it down into the soil. This will be done in 18 days.edit>will be using fox farms dirty dozen on these plants to see if i can increase yields in the endgame of these plants>…4/26/2020

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