Paws and effect 🪴🌱

Thanks man, love that pup. The kitten is very fun as well. It’s nice. Thanks bud @Hambone


Chocolate lab might be the right genes to tame the Aussie ones. First year pure aussies are nuts lol. I had a black lab x Aussie as a kid and she was really tame but full of life. Have a pure Aussie now and she basically only listens to someone with an abnormally low resting heart rate, otherwise she does what she wants lol.
Molly looks calm though, I think the chocolate lab is known for that? Either way she’s pretty and congrats bro.


Thanks man she is super calm and playful when played with. She is very obedient. And does what she’s told. She is 12 weeks yesterday. And is such a great dog. Very mild mannered. And definitely a great addition here. She’s going to make for a great duck dog.


Omg is she a cutie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks :blush: she is my perfect dog. Been waiting my whole life for this dog.


And here she is! Spoil the chit out of her :grin: lots of belly rubs :grin:


If she gets a little rowdy at maybe 9-12 months I think I’d lean toward that being the Aussie genetics, I had a hard time believing I wasn’t screwing up raising her for a few months there. But she is my service dog now, the aussies do definitely respond better to calm people more than some breeds though.


O man of course!!! I sure am!!!


@Pawsfodocaws yo bro hows everything going! I’ve been so busy learning i forgot to poke my head in here and see how youre doing

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Hey bud, doing great… just been living life up!. Having a good time. Getting into a routine, and staying lit. How are you?


Trying to find my groove and get everything dialed in here. It was pretty rough to get a grip on things this round but it looks like i turned everything around besides for some slight deficiencies im chasing. Looking to flip to flower in less than 30 days!

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Awesome man glad things are going good. And your about flipping! Damn deficiencies.

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Yea man the day i can say i had a healthy plant from seed to weed is the day im buying a lottery ticket.

Heres my ladies sprouted from beans from fellow members
Having some issues, hopefully nothing major.


They still look rather healthy!. I just checked on my fritters that I flipped a bit ago. And my mom’s. Then my Aladdin kush tester plants. All seems well had to knuckle the flowering plants as they were touching the lamp. Some time I need to tear down and put the 1 foot extension on my 4x8.


Yes they are still quite healthy and i am confident i will get a grip on things (hopefully). I would really hate to go into flower chasing deficiencies. I cant wait to see them fritter flowers. Thats the lumpy cut you have correct?

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Yes correct., if you want to see some of the flowers scroll up. I’ve been running her for 2 years about. These flowers are going to be gorgeous I may push her to 80 days.


Hardly have much to grip man, those are really nice looking. Maybe a bit of something, but I mean overall they look awesome. My mothers I had vegging for 5 months and then thrown into flower have a few dead leafs. But other than that I’m lucky to have been getting them back to healthy. All of em. They had mag deficiencies and needed some nutes. The Aladdin kush is doing fine on tap. I also never have had to ph water, but I bet it’s because it’s not city water. :sweat_smile:. I believe soil helps buffer as well.


Lol im such a perfectionist it hurts bro. Im gonna go ahead and pull a chair up here if you dont mind bro. Im a kush head so id love to see those aladdin kush grow as well.

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Awe I c. I’m usually just flexible with my plants and try and keep them doing well and not dead. Always in shape enough to produce. And we’ll I try, there all with my provider atm. I haven’t set up where I’m at yet. Waiting to deploy a 5x5 mars hydro with two tsw2000 lamps. A 3x3 clone/seedling tent with a vivosun vs1500. And we’ll that’s the plan. Wife got a med card as well. So we have a higher limit now. It’s going to really be nice.