Peanut Butter Pie

Beautiful bud pictures!


Cloner loaded up after a cleaning. I throw most of it in the diswasher and hand wash the motor and filter. I get 100% rooting w this. Adding a little super thrive keeps it green. I would try another method but hard to do better than 100%


These have been doing well this year. I followed all the same protocol for planting herb. I made these from garden store clone of snips I took because I am poor. :joy: I used 100% free composted soil about 20 gallons each and rocks in the bottom.


I want this lol


Up potting a couple of sour diesel x a5 haze/thai bx I’m really excited to see what these plants look like. These are going into 3 gallon containers as their final home. These were from seed. They came up right away in a solo cup full of worm casting and shot str8 up to the light. They are about 3 weeks now.


This is 11 truffles (white truffle x rs11) I’m still trying to find the sweet spot. This plant is in a 3 gallon container with homemade recycled soil. Grown under LED. Decent vigor but only .50 stretch. I fed it cal/mag every feeding and it stayed kind of floppy, which was a little annoying. May try another pheno. This plant finished fast. It starts to preflower pretty excessively in veg. I know its not an auto because it clones easy enough. But it’s like it’s almost wants to be an auto. If that makes sense? I can’t pinpoint the smell maybe spices and floral? I’m going to dry it smoke it and wash it then come to some type of conclusion. Right now, it’s hard telling not knowing. If it ends up being a good washer it could be in rotation, who knows? Under the scope the heads look even normal so it may wash :ok_hand:


If you have the room, 7 gal pots work great for plants that size. Not huge but not tiny. Super easy to grow and low maintenance.


I do have a couple of 7 gallon cloth pots floating around somewhere. I have a couple cuts too so maybe I will throw one in there if the test wash is a success. This plant yielded really well, so a bigger pot would def have some impressive flowers. I hand water everything and move stuff around alot so I really have to like a plant to put it in a 7 gallon :joy:


I find the 7 gal makes watering easier believe it or not! I don’t use cloth pots inside though.


My lower back muscles would like to disagree with you :joy: But I can see in some ways how it could be an advantage/


Ah I gotcha! I hooked a hose up in the basement. I dont want to lug around heavy water either haha!


I don’t mind a little work lol, Have an excellent morning.

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You too bud!


Very nice! Did you get these at Socal Seed Vault?

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Yes I did. I have had good luck with seeds from them. The owner is sweet and friendly and will answer some questions. I have some Kirkwood OG on deck for fall that I got from them that looks very promising. Have you tried them?

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I have a bunch of his stuff and he is a good guy.

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Dropping some of these today. Should be ready around Christmas. Marking the date. Thanks for looking. If you grew it lmk your experience please.


I wanted to make a record of of my attempted seed run. There are five girls. 2 x red raspberry clones (kropduster), a puffo gelato clone (raw genetics) I really enjoy the smoke from, a blue slush (raw genetics) that makes first rate sticky hash at 5% 90u and a Kali Mist x everything (Bodhi odor pheno) clone (all clones made by me) the kali mist plant has given some of the most popular smoking flower we’ve had around in a couple years. The dad is going to be a fruity pebbles og f4 male that I grew from seed that has a very distinct lime smell (the other folks growing the line are calling it the sowah pheno) I’m hoping mixing my favorite clones and flavors for the year will allow me to keep the aspects I like, pass them on and have some fun seeing what adding the stocky lime flavored dad does with these stretchy kids. The clones all have an easy 3X stretch if left untopped in flower. The FP OG is a more stocky closely spaced plant. It should make for interesting kids. All of these plants are tested making hash and have great fresh frozen %'s. The total flower yields aren’t huge on any except the cookies cross but I’m looking for more quality than quantity. Hope to make a sour version of each one while maintaining the hash making performance of each line. It would be awesome to make a bunch of live sour hash using proven excellent washers.

Each plant is growing in about ten gallons of composted soil/cow manure not mixed with anything, some rocks in the bottom of the hole for drainage.

The dad, Fruity pebbles OG F4 male (jaws sour lime pheno) 6/10 topped the dad he has already showing male flowers, I don’t need to let these plant s get very big in order to make a bunch of seeds. I will likely top them all a couple times over the season to keep them discrete.

Puffo Gelato clone ( Blue Sherbet and French Toast)

Red Raspberry (Rozay x Legends Ultimate Indica)

Blue Slush (Blue Cookies x Georgia Pie)

Kali Mist x Everything (big fluffy bud & bodhi odor pheno)

Red Raspberry #2


if a seed will grow in an annoying way the plant will be too short for the room or really slow, grow at an odd angle or have a strange structure. When this happens I take a cut or two and compost the seedling. Often times the cut will behave much better than the seedling. That’s what happened with the 11 Truffles plant above and the blue slush clone that I like.

Sometimes buds that don’t look potent will have a great stone as they are different from your usual smoke. Cannabinoids like THC may be more complex than we know. Like, if you have a tolerance to a certain isomer of THC and you try a different plant the THC may be chemically different by a bond here or a atom here, your body senses the difference, you have a lower tolerance to that molecule and you will feel it in the stone but a lab analysis will not show any difference between them.