Peanut Butter Pie

Dude they look great! I am very happy you are running these! Can’t wait to see what they give you.


I’ve also seen the suggestion that you use a surfactant to collapse the air bubble that forms around the hairs on a bug to make it easier to wash off. Thanks for the props, I love seeing that tech in action! At first it seems like something a lunatic would do. and perhaps it is :wink:


This is my kali mist x everything (Bodhi odor pheno) it keeps getting bigger and bigger. I am very excited to see what happens to her. I have already topped her twice in an effort to keep under 5 foot. Hasn’t even started to flower yet. I wonder if she will finish by October first? I’ve stopped updating to the bohdi plant guide because those guys have seen this same plant ten times already :slight_smile: she’s growing pretty good for hose water and home made composted soil only. No signs of deficiencies or pests. No chem ads, food, sprays chems or ipm needed, yet.


Growing all kinds out here


This is my green crack x tres dawg male. This plant is so stout strong and has a very nice frame. It really has responded well to being outside. If you look at about halfway down the plant you can see where it went from inside to outside, from a bush to a more traditional plant shape doubled in size in only about 20 days. Grown in a three gallon container and fed Dr earth once a week. I hope to collect some pollen and make a cross with my kali mist x everything (Bodhi odor pheno) and a GMO clone I run just for fun.


Very nice man, looking super health and happy. I can’t wait to make some seeds myself. I’m thinking after my current run, I’ll have enough product “inventory” to do a seed run.


I plan on just doing a branch or two of pollinating at first. A few hundred seeds will last me forever. It’s a ton of fun to mix my favorite plants.


The kali mist x everything clone has been a good yielder averaging around 300 - 400 wet grams of trimmed buds per plant grown in a three gallon container.


A little seedling update, four of the mango hash plant x block berry got up potted to one gallon containers. Two of them are very vigorous. The four solo cups are all super lemon puntang x cake fighter, they will get up potted soon. They will all stay in the one gallon until they show sex. I wish I had space to throw them all in five gallon containers and be done messing with them.


They are looking great man!


Decided to cull the Kali mist x everything (bohdi odor cut) from my garden. Too many dicks. A couple of indoor versions have hermied at the end of flower. So rather than risk passing on the trait in my seed making I’m going to cull it. It’s a shame because the plant checked so many boxes and was a big yielder. Onward and upward.



These are two, 30 days from seed female block berry x mango hash plant from @JustANobody . I up potted them into 5 gallon calipots as their final home.They got so big so fast and are already showing sex. One is very loud with a smell I do not recognize the other has no stem rub scent yet. I think I will have to top them if they continue in the same way.


Thays so bad ass. The Mango Hashplant was the dad so I think you might have the pairing backwards. I’m super pumped to see these grow.


whoops, lol I edited the name, thanks for the heads up.

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No worries dude. They look great, I’ll be popping multiple blockberry crosses here soon. I want to compare them to the breeder cut I have.


I have two more and they are half the size of these two. I treated them exactly the same way. I’ll up pot them and show them off in a week or two. I will probably work my way through each pack you sent slow but sure :slight_smile:


Hell ya dude I appreciate it. You’ll make my chucks look good! I’m very excited to see what you do with them.


A little note about smoking hash. You probably want to vape it so any contaminants are left in the the banger. The contaminants that make it in to hash can be bad for your lungs and add up very quickly since most of them are microns in size, If you are smoking it to ash all that shit is going in your lungs.

The more you know the longer you can get pleasantly baked without health issues.


I hit it at 305C! Got to avoid the production of formaldehyde from thermal decomposition.