Pesticide/herbacide drift

Has anyone had experience with this? We lost a huge crop of some amazing AC/DC. Farmer up the way used something on his soybeans and the drift decimated our crop in days.

nitrogen spray.

I could be wrong on this but I don’t think nitrogen would be used on soybeans. Again, could be wrong.

Applying nitrogen on soybeans is a controversial topic, because farmers want to do it, but university experts say it doesn’t work.

The farmers around here till in chicken poop.

:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


It just struck me as odd since soybean is a nitrogen fixer :thinking:


A 60-bushel crop will require about 300 pounds, and soybeans fix only enough nitrogen to produce about 50 or 60 bushels


Interesting, thanks for the info :+1:t2:

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The college came down and sampled the area and said it was a chemical for some kind of soybean problem. A fungus I believe. It killed every plant we had outside and greenhouse. I run extraction and wept for the growers. That sucked bad. The farmer didn’t get in any trouble at all. Our grow shutdown because of the loss. 4 houses and outside acreage empty.


This is more probable: A volatile weed killer linked to cancer and endocrine issues will likely be sprayed on millions more acres of soybeans and cotton across the Midwest and South starting this year.


Roundup perhaps, glyphosate?
So killing the neighbors crops isn’t a legal nono, would give me dark ideas.

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Round-up ready soybeans is what killed my Dad and two brothers. All three in 4 years by amount of exposer. I new stuff looks tons worse.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


They say its harmless, could even drink it (PR guy in video didn’t tho, for some reason :face_with_raised_eyebrow:).
Sorry for the loss, am curious, how did they go, cancers?


Yes! My brother had the most exposer and went first. My father put off going to doctor dealing with my brother. When my brother passed my Dad was already stage four. My baby brother that worked part time with it went two years latter. He said from the start when they switched from pink stuff to round up ready something was wrong.

:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


So sorry for your losses. That’s heartbreaking! :heart:


Don’t those guys have to carry insurance? I would sure file against them. That’s terrible. And even worse is @G-paS’s experience. So sorry to hear that. These companies are evil.


I’m just a peon but from what I was told since it happened on the farmers private land where we suspect the spraying we would have to get samples from his crop and some other things to actually have a chance. That ship has sailed but yesterday I noticed that my company is actually looking for a new grower. I said four greenhouse. I misspoke. We have 10. Knowing what I know the company has protective measures in place now in case this happens again. What was it that George W so famously said? Fool me once…


you get drift with everything, yes i have heard of it, have a friend that had to move out of this state he got ill after the neighbor was spraying a herbicide, he said he could see it drifting, every year the city kills some of my tomatoes with drift from herbicide


It took 4 years living here before I could convince my landlord to stop hiring landscape crews to spray roundup in front of the house.

My outdoor plants are exposed to wildfire smoke and ash almost every year. That is very toxic from burning plastics, building materials, and even asphalt burning.

last year my plants got exposed to drifting tear gas… every night for 6 months during veg.

No idea what effect all of this has. Everything seems fine, but I wish I could just send a sample in to my local agricultural college extension like any other plant for them to run pollution safety tests. They will do that for leafy greens testing for heavy metals and other industrial pollutants.

Because of all this I use my outdoor grows to grow for seed with selective pollinations. That way I can make seeds for myself and other medical patients who need them, and I don’t need to worry so much about losing a whole harvest of bud to unknown calamities every year.

edit- and of course we are exposed to all of that as well.
It is ridiculous that our country refuses to regulate all these manmade poisons. Better to let the large corporations use us all as unwitting test subjects of their latest and most profitable products.