This herbicide is secretly killing gardens


Thanks for the heads up!
That’s nasty, I didn’t know about that new threat.

A little more from Wiki:



Solid info. Thanks fellas :pray:


Glad my cow shit plug doesn’t use this stuff. He’s got great poop.


Having a cow shit plug, that’s equal parts awesome and funny as hell :joy::wink::metal:


Try asking your local hay suppliers If the fields there hay is sourced from is sprayed they tend to shy away from the topic or straight out admit they have no idea. Chicken poop should still be safe but any animal that is fed store bought hay is seriously suspect and the dewormer used in cows and horses also causes a lot of problems and lingers around for a long time in soil.


Another good reason to use nitrogen fixing plants like beans as fertilizer instead.
It’s safe, you can make more beans yourself, and you can’t overdo it since it’s slow release.


This brings up why one report I read said as much as 80% of “organic food” isn’t really organic. I kept the artial on a laptop that has since died.

That said, I don’t know any hay farmers around here that spray their hay.
The only one I know used a saline spray and they was so the could be hay up wetter without molding. Those did it on the advise of MSU.

We didn’t spray as I didn’t want animals getting high blood pressure :wink:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Ask your cow shit plug if they use copper sulfate (I thought) to keep hooves clean


Cows are frequently fed large amounts of anti biotics as well, so much so that the dairy paddock next to me won’t grow magic mushrooms but the dry paddock the next one over they grow by the thousands. I also noticed that cow shit from the milk paddocks takes forever to compost.

They are supposed to have a no graze period after herbicides are used on their paddocks, but we have this habit of using herbicides that we deem safe, only to find out decades later that they weren’t safe at all.
There are all sorts of selective and non selective herbicides used, some of which are super nasty, people are still using shit like Paraquat for example, but also some other nasty herbicides for selective grass, sedge and broadleaf is used a lot on pasture. In theory the milk processor should pick up things like this in their testing as all milk is tested for butter fat content etc. Also cows are often treated with prophylactics
for diseases such as leptospirosis and brucellosis, and who knows what else that might be excreted. There is also issues with drift when there are mixed farms, and also the high number of non English speakers in the industry often means that instructions and mixing rates for herbicides/pesticides are not followed, withholding periods are not carried out and in appropriate chemicals are used. Chicken and pig shit is often no better.


I should see him this week, I’ll try to remember to ask.

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