Pet Peeves! šŸ˜±

Actually that is too large a general set. Those who lack consideration for others and are self-centered is a subset of humanity. I have hope that by and large most people are not this way if they have time to see their actions and those of others from an objective viewpoint. .
Respect should be given freely to everyone just as you expect/hope to be given that same respect.


I think tolerance is one of the most important qualities when it comes to human interaction. If we canā€™t learn to tolerate other peoples differing behavior, standards, beliefs etc. We cant then demand that they tolerate ours and peace will forever remain a dream.


Very much thisā€¦ The world would spin Soo much smoother


Iā€™m with @SquirtleSquadā€¦ Drunks. Ugh! Huge pet peeve


Yeah. I agree. I drink sure, but just like with smoking I meter myself as I just act stupid and regret my actions if I donā€™t.

Getting belligerent and self centered is never a good idea. By yourself is one thing, but those types always have to show off ime


People who assume that your taste in music matches your mentality/behavior.

People who lump everyoneā€™s brain chemistry together as if we can all do that 1 thing they can do that helps them with that particular problem. Not all of us can just decide to change emotions like a light switch.

I get it all the time. I listen to heavy metal, numetal, and in general angry sounding music.

I donā€™t have a explanation as to why it calms me down. Just like I have no explanation as to why the color blue makes me upset. Itā€™s a calming color supposedly, but mine is red, black, and gold. My sisterā€™s is green, purple, and red. Iā€™ve just learned to not assume someone reacts the same way to external stimuli. Going to a special education school my whole life has shown me many types of people and their reactions to things. Mental health sucks, but learning what helps you is all that matters.

I guess both of those pet peeves are really just 1 in the end. People who assume they know how someone else is and feels based on personal beliefā€™s and not actually asking them and caring how they feel.


People cursing loudly in public. Especially ladies. Not sure why as Iā€™m not perfect and throw some curse words around myself. Just not in the middle of a park, store or restaurant. Just sounds really trashy to me.

Oh yeah, and couples arguing in public! Big pet peeve of mine.


Better than thatā€¦

People who feel the need to share their phone conversations, with EVERYONE, by putting their call on ā€œspeakerā€ in a public place. Put the DAMNED PHONE TO YOUR EAR! I donā€™t care about your conversation.


People on their cell phones in general are annoying. lol There is zero etiquette these days when it comes to people and their damn phones!


Remember when bluetooth first came out? Bunch of idiots walking around talking to themselves like crazy people :laughing:

At least with a earbud and microphone there was always a chance they were actually talking to someone else.



Momā€™s given me many an embarrassing moment; Discussing the kittenā€™s persistent diarrhea while waiting to be seated with other people at a restaurant. :neutral_face: :couch:



I feel your pain. Mine likes to make scenes in public and be condescending and rude to staff. Sheā€™s a real joy to hang out with.


I feel bad for yā€™all. My mom is a saint and never ever did anything that was embarrassing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




People who talk nonstop at concerts. If you wanna bullshit go to a bar. I used to tape shows and more than once I pointed a mic in their face, they got the picture.


The ultimate pet peeveā€¦stick with me hereā€¦

Anyone who isnā€™t an OG-er.

There I said it


Personally itā€™s more of a species distinction, or state of consciousness, rather than a like/dislike. Theyā€™re simply less-evolved organisms, welcome to mutate upwardly.

:evergreen_tree: :smoking:


This is my latest pet peeve. ā€œStay in your laneā€. It is just a rephrasing of ā€œKnow your placeā€ which has been used for centuries to oppress people and is now being bandied about all over the place.

IMO ā€œKnow your placeā€ is a phrase that has supported racism, misogyny, and the class system. As I do not support those things, I refuse to use phrases that encourage people who do.


Fair enough, but I was trying to oppress whoever that was who was trying to start shit with me. Apparently, it worked cuz they sat the fuck down. I would also appreciate you not coming on my post with the sole purpose of talking shit to people, trying to make them look bad or to just generally be an asshole. To me or anyone else who has posted here. What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Just talking shit to someone you donā€™t even know or to stir something up? Cuz it worked. You have pissed me off now.


This pet peeves thread needs to stay in its own lane lol