pH levels for dirt and water

Is ph meter the same for soil and water. Also need advice for ratio for soil mix. Will be posting ic. as sonn as I get clones or seed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

That depends on your soil but your soil ph will always be different. Most likely your soil ph will be lower. Add a little lime to your soil and dont worry about what the ph run off is. There really isn’t a need to test your soil run off if you ph your water and your plants look fine.
However if you have issues with your plants then possibly soil run off could tell you if your plants are up taking nutrients or locking them out.
Just my 2 cents


Thank you, that does help. What would you recommend for soil mix. First time ever grower and don’t have the slights idea what I’m doing. But willing to try. Thank you for your time.

Bookmarked this a while back. Not sure what you’re using for nutes…but just copy this guy. You will not be disappointed. Perlite is your friend.


Thank you, will be looking at different mix until the first of this coming month and going to buy some clones in Portland Or. Still putting my my liddle tent together. I’ll need every liddle info that I can get.


If it’s your first time growing I would start them out in something very mild with low ferts added. Then transplant after about 3 weeks or so into larger pots like 3gal or bigger. I would recommend something like fox farm ocean forest which already has everything you need already add except for extra perlite which is cheap. Using this method you will have no need for added nutrients until late flower.

You could also use pro mix soil which is also peat based mix but then you would have to add nutrients and perlite. I would recommend not messing with nutrients on your first grow as it’s a common issue for new growers to overwater and over do nutrients and burn plants.


Hey thank you for that info. Great info. Will be looking at the info you gave me ingreat detail. Thank you again.

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ph levels??? think of the speed limit

5.5 hydro
6.5 dirt.


You got it. If your not sure get a good water only soil recipe. I dosnt understand what dolomite lime did. I do now and I can focus on other things now besides a ph lock out. 5.5 to 6.5 hydro 6.5 to 7.5<-That may be high this is what is was told so. I was ph’n my water for hydro using bunk soil. Straight lockout and the chasing deficiencies fucked it worse. Personally I still water at 6.5. Its perfect for my needs.:+1:t2:

Ps. Get drops. Any old head will tell you the same. Double check. You ph meter usually is the problem. People duxk them up and theyre not calibrated right.:v:


The big homie @Grohio to the rescue yet again!!!


I have found that in hydro the plants like a higher ph during late veg/flower imho… when I was dabbling in dwc I always had better results keeping ph at 6 and letting the Rez drift up or down depending on nute intake. This way you can judge a lol better on what your plants are using with out really taking them out of range. Just my 2 cents


I personally never fuck with the ph in soil. Soil is a natural buffer, but it depends on the nutrients. Are you going organic or chemical?


Same thoughts here until I delved into the octo game.

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[quote=“Meesh, post:12, topic:30460”] Are you going organic or chemical?

I fully agree with what @Meesh stated.

I have never pH’d my water when I grow in soil/soilless mediums. Most soil mediums have added lime in them already. Lime is the buffering agent.

That said, I have never really seen a difference in the use of organic or chemical ferts in soil grows.
As long as the plant is getting what it requires to be healthy and grow properly, I don’t think the plant really cares where its food comes from. What people choose to feed their plants is their preference, not the plants.


Yep that’s what makes us all individual and different Growers. If the plant is what it needs is getting what it needs I don’t fuk with it. Then again if you’re not getting good results something’s off. If your pH is severely out of whack though your plants will suffer. We all know this as well as Hydro was a different Beast than dirt.

It’s cool to know how everybody waters their plants that way when I look at that stuff I can see what’s going on and know a little bit about how you grow. I appreciate the knowledge from everyone.:pray::call_me_hand::v:

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going organic don’t much about hyrdo. Shit don’t know shit about growing. Tru story.

I had some grow store dork tell me I needed to “up my game” with an electronic meter. I’m like brother everyone and I mean everyone has a story where they fucked up their plants from a way-off uncalibrated meter. The drops are never as ACCURATE, but they’re never wrong. Do you really need to know if your pH is 6.1 or 6.13? I bought a 250ml bottle of the reagent for like $30 and that’ll essentially last me a lifetime.

EDIT: OP, if you’re taking the time to pH soil, you might as well go soilless with liquid hydro nutrients. Far more consistent, IMO easier, and better yielding, with less chance of contamination. Soil is more of a “feel” type discipline. If you have issues in soilless with hydro nutrients, they’ll be much easier to correct. Go mixing in a bunch of bat shit, ground crab powder, worm castings, and oyster shell and you have a bunch of unaccounted-for-variables. Pro-Mix HP is good, hydro stores sell a million other options. Tupur, for example. Some people take their organic soil projects to Rube-Goldberg levels of work. I like easy, reliable, and effective.


Oh good! I’m not the only Luddite here that likes the drops… Exactly the same reasoning.
Ok, I can see the necessity of good meters if you are doing hydro. but for organic dirt, no, not required (IMHO).



Drops are where its been. I always had to take care of the pool. Sons a bitches! Lol. I ph just because. Always organic.:+1:t2: If she’s green she’s fine. Drops! Drops! Drops!


For me, keeping it very simple for my first couple times helped me experience how these beautiful plants grow. Fox farm dirt and compost tea. That got me some good results and building from that only got me better. Good luck and have fun