Photos & Autos - Club Quadrant

Hey @Chronickyle , the White Widow seeds went into water Feb 27th and that photo was May 21st. I harvested it June 7th. The Northern Lights below was dropped in water Jan 17th and it’s photo was also May 21st. It was harvested shortly after photo.

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@JustSumTomatoes the Orange groves f3s are starting to pop through the soil :wink:


Hell yeah! Ready for some broad leaf action?


That’s badass man! I totally love arcade and pinball!


What’s the year on that Mariner unit? Looks like an older one. 60s is my guess

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Very nice Douglas

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Thanks. She turned out ok. Just finishing up my current batch of Maui Waui and Shiva Skunk. Wondering what to do next? So many strains to choose from.


I didn’t have much luck. The first was male, one wasn’t strong and wilted, one grew really tall so put in cup with half of stem below soil, it wilted.
The fourth is good so far and should be able to sex test next week. :pray: it is a female. The little guy is hanging around in the living room with the house plant.


Dang… which strain ?
I’ve had some horrible time before not getting seeds to pop… I’ve come down to an easy solution that anyone can do, based on reading many many and attempts of different techniques…

Drop seeds in bottled water that’s warmed up (I mean warm, like not hot… Just slightly warmer the room temp) they bath for up to 12hrs…

After the bath, Place inside sponge wet toilet paper (this works the best for some reason) fold in half, Place inside sandwich bag with air I’ve blown into it… leave for 2 days in warm place.

Now plant in shallow Moist soil (like an egg carton or in mybcase an empty single serving yurgut container)… Cover with Soil 1/4" roughly deep. Place that in a air filled sandwich bag in warm place with light (like in the tent) and wait 2 days. IF the seeds are viable, it will work. Otherwise I chuck them and start over. Hope this helps

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I thought I replied to Bubble Gum. :smile:
:seedling: :green_heart: :four_leaf_clover:

This is my latest batch.

Front right now chopped and dried, sitting in jars.

the 2nd one at front left came down on weekend and is in dry tent

2 to go.


Woah. That’s a great hual man @DougDawson


Thanks bud, this was my first run after switching my lighting setup from MH/HPS to LED. Was nowhere near perfect but I got to learn much about working with the new setup so I am pretty happy. Next batch will be better :slight_smile:


BubbleGum auto Male


Going to be following closely on those from @JustSumTomatoes I have some coming as well that I plan on growing this year.


Nice! Make sure when you pot them up to give them plenty of foot room. They don’t like small pots.


They will have a hard time with me. :sweat_smile:


These Orange Grove F3 are going in my 117 liter no till container… :wink:


Those will be some happy plants! :slightly_smiling_face:


@JustSumTomatoes plan to veg for about a month or maybe 60 days and flip em. :thinking: no idea how tall these will get in such a large container.

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