Photos & Autos - Club Quadrant

Looking better


This came today, I’d say these would hold roughly 50 seeds pretty easily.


Well, looks like I gotz me a male plant. So now I know the unknown bag seeds are Regular seeds.
I’m assuming the other two are female because they all got planted at the same time…

The male is in the back.


This is 68 seeds in the vial, so its safe to say the 1.8ml will hold 70 seeds with a tiny bit of wiggle room :wink:


My wife likes to be apart of the process :wink:
Great job. However this pack only goes up to 81… So 81 preserved strains it is for the goal.
5670 seeds, this will take a while lol


Looking alot better then a few days ago.
Thinking about feeding the soil some starch from my noodle water, just a few teaspoons…


Being that these 2 females are likely not the same strain and the male also a different strain.
Maybe keep the male for pollen and just make seeds from a single branch or 2 of each female.

What you all think? Since I have no way to find out what the actual strains are, I’ll just be happy if they turn out nice… I’m also expecting some Blueberry clones at some point in the next several weeks. I’ll certainly be making seeds of the Blueberrys, my favorite strain.

I don’t know what I was thinking with the last post. Hell with that. I’m killin the male plant, takin clones, reversing the females and making Feminized seeds from these Biotches… THEN hand them out around the community here. Give some love back right.? so let’s hope these suckers are super duper sexy and potent gems.


Best of luck @CADMAN sometimes the best stuff is a mystery bean :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand: :fire:


@nefrella So far the females smell good :wink: I know it will end up being something nice regardless. The friend that gave me the seeds only smokes the Topshelf strongest stuff for himself . Unfortunately he didn’t separate or labeled any seeds he found in his buds lol just tossed them all together = mystery mix :wink:

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I chopped that male dead, he’s bured now. RIP…

Had 1 seed left of Charlotte’s Web strain from Dispensario Seeds ( its a pale seed sadly ) but its soaking right now, praying she grows as I need to make copys in seed form from this one.

After this fun deed is done the wife wants to cross Charlotte’s Web with Girl Scout Cookies and call it “Webbed Cookies” haha

This is the response I got when specifically asking if this was the true Charlotte’s web strain created by the Stanley Brothers. Obviously it’s just this dudes word, but until its proven to be a lie, its gotta be the truth. Why els would he put his business at risk for lying about something to small.


First LST bend today, went perfectly!

Let the secondarys come out to play. Grow my pet, just Grow.


Looking up already


Second bend will be after work today ,)


My first ever Cannagar in the making, will be awesome.


Well ita official, these two Unknown plants are not the same strain. #1 smells skunky & #2 smells more like a good Kush… Either way, taking clones and making fem seeds. Litterly naming them P#1 & P#2, unless the seed source remembers the actual strains names. Haha.

Got my Cannabis leaves pressed yesterday, so hopefully to get this cannagar rolled up today…

Been reading up alot about Tissue Cultureing Cannabis, anyone here done this before?

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That’s pretty sweet! Are you gonna wrap with with dried fan leaves?

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Yes exactly. I actually attempted this today and i failed horribly. Broke into pieces lol next time I’ll be better at it maybe lol

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I wondered about that. Maybe they need to be cured under humidity control?


Was using very sticky thc distillent, sorta ripped the leaves lol

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