Phylos - I cant believe this!

This has been beaten to death.

Most large scale farmers and growers use commercial varieties. Just because the Midwest farmer is growing 20 square miles of hybrid patented corn seed, does not mean you can’t buy landrace oaxacan green corn.

Just because most greenhouses grow commercial tomato varieties, doesn’t mean you can’t buy heirloom tomato seeds.

They aren’t mutually exclusive concepts.


Hey there. We are always looking for Preservers to join the Freakers😁. If you are interested I’ll vouch for you.


True. This is why landraces are so important to preserve. They belong to the people and will always be reg m/f. It’s also why getting rare pure genetics out there to the people is so important. It’s a big undertaking trying to preserve as much of a genepool as possible before hybrids overtake another country. Many hands make light work as they say. Not many people are capable by themselves of preserving 2,000 plants to effectively preserve every characteristic a landrace has. But finding 200 people to preserve 10 plants each…that’s doable. What we need is a network for sharing these small batches long term, so that unrelated lines can freely mingle to keep inbred depression from occurring. That’s in part why the Freakers exist. To get seeds into the hands of like minded people.


Very interested! I said it in the freaker thread, but a 16 week flower time isn’t a problem. I would just need the seeds by end of March. Very excited to participate in this!!


Start thinking about what you want to grow and let either myself or @Guitarzan know. He has the strain list, but I have alot unlisted @Tappy


Yes, but if something can be bred to be a triploid and sterile you can bet science will back those studies for government controlled crops, cannabis is one of those crops. Agriculture and government regulations go Hand in hand. The reason they put quotas in place and only certain people get licensed to produce a certain amount. Yes you can get natural corn from Oaxaca but it’s getting harder to import an export anything because of supply chain and cost of importing issues, especially now that gas is getting ridiculous and make it not feasible to ship long distances without charging higher prices, making it more likely for people to go with what they know and have easily accessible and things are only getting worse. It is completely plausible to think that government will try to control the flow of anything. There is a reason most people have zero clue what real corn even looks like. What they don’t know won’t hurt them and then it becomes the norm


Let them do that, then.

The existence of sterile female seed has no impact on the seeds I grow. Or you grow.

Oaxacan green corn seed is $5/packet. Nothing stopping anyone from growing it. It may not be commercially viable, but it’s there.


It’s not about now it’s about the future. The reason we have a seed bank hoarding all the seed. Control the food, control the people.

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stay out of the recent events of cannabis and continue to work in the shadows. seed bombs sound amazing.

when you think about all the places you can hide a pack of beans… there’s no way big brother can stop us if we never quit sowing. :v:


No one’s coming after heirloom varieties my guy. There is more variety available now than there ever was in history.

They couldn’t even if they wanted to.


I’ll agree to disagree

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What’s with this new thing where we pretend the government trying to control weed and/or eradicate homegrow is new?


Handing out Dutch cannabis to landrace farmers is happening all around the world. Parvati isn’t parvati anymore…


Technically I’m only allowed to buy fem seeds from the government. Like that’s going to happen.

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You mean regulations haven’t stopped a bunch of outlaws? I’m shocked and amazed


They legalized, that’s what’s new. All an illusion

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It makes me sick to pay taxes on weed to the same assholes who used to chase me for having weed.


A lot of those old school outlaws now work for government.

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Some places have, some places haven’t. I’m not sure why the sky is all of a sudden falling. It’s been illegal, who cares if they put out restrictions, it never stopped most of us before…

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So do many of the previously hard line cops.