Picking that stud male

It’s all about the balls or that’s what my last girlfriend told me :thinking:


@zephyr that goji male sounds fire! :fire::fire:

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She told me the same thing!


I need some pollen

Check out Strainly they might have what your looking for.

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Something I just thought about here! Yield has a lot to do with root mass. If I was trying to pick a male that would be a trait id consider.


Not often you see a beautiful male flower


One of my “tricks” is to look at root development.

Clones that root far faster than the other genotypes are a good place to start for anyone new to all of this stuff. It’s not necessarily that your keeper should be a fast rooter… but it does make a great place to start with selecting. People seem to miss vigor, root development and speed of growth when selecting plants. But if you start with those plants, culling down and popping more… eventually you have a lot of fast rooters, strong vigor and fast growing plants to choose from. At that stage you can select for outliers, yield, “terps”, etc… whatever suits you and your wants. And if you do that, you won’t be disappointed with the results usually. :ok_hand: