@Pigeonman & @Cadman Present a **CLUB QUADRANT EXCLUSIVE RELEASE** OG Server Auction!

So was it clones or bagseed? Got to atleast keep the story straight if your gonna fabricate.




Lot #5 @OhNo555 for $25.00

Lot #23 @Oldjoints for $60

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He was gifted clones and made seeds. It was those seeds that was stored in the freezer.



6, 12 for $25
@royal @faithisyours


The “story” was “fabricated” from my real life experiences of a man I know, who’s going off of his memory about things that ultimately isn’t that important to him anymore!

Our conversations happened around the time we worked together & when he unfortunately lost his wife of 40yrs & his Dad due to several strokes and his only son a month later on the same day as his dad of suicide…

I asked him several different times about his experiences during the 70s but he mind was kinda preoccupied with other things.

I still talk to him now, not as often as a should actually, but he’s basically drowing himself in alcohol to bear the pain daily! And I try to not upset him further.

I’m sorry that when I’ve attempted to explain things to people that I didn’t get it perfect :confused:

Either way, my friends life experiences are real and I was there to see seeds in the freezer!

Actually I’m gonna call him today! Give him a Collectors card & seeds of his strain Jew Gold 1974 and see what he thinks!


Let see what my brother thinks :thinking:

@WhiteBoyRick @Pigeonman


Calling out one of the more respected members on this site…brilliant. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


@CanuckistanPete I read that comment before passing out last night… I went to bed laughing and waiting for fellow OGers to read it and then chime in themselves.

@CADMAN , thanks for reaching out to your buddy and for chiming in!

Considering you send me the seeds free; I spent my time, effort and money in growing and reversing them into a pile of viable beans… for you to then design, pay out of pocket, and ship to me the collectors cards… then @Bobgrows works hard on producing the collectors coins I paid for out of pocket not to mention all the postage supply costs…

And all this has been going on since October 2022 with the sole intention of ensuring these genetics are accessible and also help fund the server we’re all currently using!

This is OVERGROW and there is a big reason I’m not on Reddit.

I hope you find the clarifications acceptable @WhiteBoyRick ; it’s not like either Cadman or I have any ill intentions with all this. :man_shrugging:

:v: :rofl:


@Bayarealivingsoil Lot#9 @ 35$

@Sniklefritz lot #21 40$

You all are too gullable. LMFAO

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How so @WhiteBoyRick ?


He got a clone eventually of JG and found some bag seed. What aren’t you understanding?


First of all. The first story you gave was he found bagseeds in a bag he bought. Now, the story is he was given clones that he made his own seeds with. Lies are hard to remember and keep straight i know. You said they were stored in a freezer but not wrapped up well. Pretty amazing to get almost 50 year old seads to germinate tgat were not stored in perfect conditions. And, if the storys are true, jew gold does not date back to the 70s. From my understanding josh d handed that cut to someone who named it jews gold. When dna/reserva worked it and released it they renamed it to kosher kush. Like all weed lore its hard to settle the truth. But, show me ounce of info that shows jew gold dating back to the 70s. You cant because its not out there. Thats all i got to say.


If you cant read the story thats given in the first post of this thread. And, then read the screenshot i posted of an earlier post about this story and not see the discrepencies in the two i cant help ya.


Looks like you might change a thought here and there as well?

All I know is CADMAN and Pigeonman are two of the most valuable members of this community and I take their word. We all get something mixed up here and there…we’re potsmokers for crissake.

You can mention a discrepancy without being a jerk about it too.


Wow, just wow. It’s been made very clear by these two that the history behind this cultivar is somewhat of a mystery. Why you feel the need to attack them is beyond me. They are both highly respected members of this community, and are doing something great to raise funds for this site. Your ignorance is astounding. This is the kinda stuff you see on reddit. @WhiteBoyRick, please gtfo with this bs.