Pineapple thai seed run did my boys shoot too soon?

I have two females and two males of the pineapple thai plants
Another male showed pollen way to early and was took in the house to collect
Now I’m wondering if the other two boys came to soon also?
The females look like they are just beginning to flower and these guys been busting nuts for two or three weeks


Some strains are just like that. If you really know your plants you can separate them for a while to let the females mature a little more, but if the males been at it that long and you want a natural open pollination I would put them back with the females and let them do there thing.


yeah i agree with Corey, some strains will do that it is a survival mechanism in the plant collect your pollen or put the males back in for open pollinating, otherwise you just collect pollen and dust accordingly


So will the boys keep going? These plants are outside and next to each other. Will try to post a pic. I kept one males in the house to collect and two outside. I wanted to use the house male for an outcross later…by i have pollen saved from him I can dust them in a few weeks if I need to?
Sorry no pictures


Ok I just collected enough from them to make another dusting later on if I need to…and probably will.
Thanks for your time :slightly_smiling_face:


get as much pollen as you can cause later you will regrete not getting enough, the males will keep producing pollen yes. the bigger and older they get the more they produce. the shit gets everywhere, so if you have some other ladies you dont want to hit then make sure your in clean clothes, good luck.
best time to hit those buds, between the 3rd and 4th week, then let them run…have fun


Yes and I’m gonna make some crosses…with Romulan grapefruit and Dancehall clones

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would you want to send me pollen? i could send sum seed of the crosses, might be fun

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I will PM you.

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