Plant Issue Driving Me Crazy

I haven’t added anything in it yet. Just a tbl spoon top dressing of D. Lime.
I cut the Coco with soil. The fox farm is too hot.

Oh right, it’s fox farm, that’s not really soil either.

When I write soil I mean pure unadulterated compost.

There’s zero nutrients in coco, and the foxfarm you diluted is synthetic nutrients diguised as soil.

Well what ever it is I won’t be using it again.


Plain old compost, couldn’t be easier.

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Can it be bought?

Same like bagged soil, but it may be harder to find.
Look for certified bags, checked by independent agencies for purity.
The word “organic” is absolutely meaningless.

If I lived in the USA I would’ve bought this.
May seem expensive but you only need to buy it once.

Then you just topdress, I use a stacked pot method to seperate the decomposing matter from my plants a bit.

The nitrogen fixing vetch is growing straight out of the thick lower layer of decomposing fresh organic matter. ( kitchenscraps at the moment )

I chop & drop it once it starts flowering, then a bunch of nitrogen becomes available to the cannabis + you get instant mulch that feeds the soil some more.

I haven’t paid for any amendments in about 2 years.
All scavenged from my outside garden and walks in nature.


Hey I got same shit… it’s mg man… pretty much… I can send you pix of mine and then how they look after we figured it out and fed more mg… (epsom)

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Woops wrong person meant to send that to you… I think it is magnesium @LilJonB


Looks like a K deficiency to me.


It does look like a deficiency but more times than not it is being caused by pH being off and locking out nutrients. I always start with checking ph for diagnosing and then move on from there. If pH is ok then try to treat it by applying amendments, and even then it could be an overabundance of a certain nute that is locking out another such is the relationship between Mg and K for example. But if they’re pumping out volumes of soil and don’t let it cook long enough it could easily still be hot and have low pH throwing everything off. Just my $0.02 though


pH water to 6.2. Are they taking up good (drying regular). I would rinse to be sure no buildup is occuring. Coco takes mag right off the spoon especially if it dries. That’s why lot of Coco nutes have added calmag in them. But Id rinse media good reset it and then throw light feed w calmag at her. I never mess w lime or acidifier in soil mixes. Especially wouldn’t top dress I’d only use them mixed in thoroughly. On another note my last 2 forest candy were beasts but both ended up being males. I have yet to pop hopscotch. Ppl really liked that forest candy. Sucks your not on here much. This year I think things vote to open up here.


Yeah I agree. I think a good solid flushing or rinsing then a light balanced feed w added calmag she turn around. But like you said I’d hesitate to toss stuff at her now til I know it’s not built up in soil and being locked out by mag def.


Yeah I just ended up flushing her. Then gave her some nutes. I won’t be buying Fox Farm again because of the inconsistency of quality.
I do agree that it looks like a K deficiency. So I fed her some Maxi Bloom.
I do hope voting goes well. Hopefully we will be able to grow. Just making it legal for recreation doesn’t mean anything me. :crossed_fingers:

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I like fox farm. But it is very funny sometimes. They want you pushing the high ppm. The flower bloom is importing also Ching Chang and the other three open Sesame. These are in very important for the trio to work. I found out that I had to supplement with Neptune or advanced nutrients. If you don’t get the full system it is not consistent. Some of the products you only use once. B52 and Nirvana works best for me. Molasses you can’t go wrong with. Just to sulfur alone helps with bugs.


Looks like nute burn to me Growmie flush them babies and see if they get better happy growing

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The plant with the issue ended up being a male. But I noticed after I fed it a half a table spoon of Maxi Bloom the issue slowed down if not stopped all together. I didn’t remove all of the problem leaves so it was a little difficult to tell.
As for the other plant I didn’t feed but the issue stopped. So I’m still scratching my head to as what the problem was.
I guess we will never know.
Thanks for the help tho folks!:+1::v:


Fireplace ash is an excellent source of potassium as well as an alkaline amendment, that’s def one thing u can add if your trying to drive your pH up a bit, coffee grounds with send it more acidic same with sulphur

Fox farms just has been using a bunch of peat moss in their mixes lately and peat by itself can swing down to 4.5-5 on it’s own, that’s my hunch of the acidic batches lately. I’m to a point I’m building my own soil using coir instead of peat for water retention


Is there particular wood ash? Will any do? Anything we should stay away from?

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Hardwood fireplace ash will typically do it. Smashing up the wood that isn’t completely ash but crumbles to a black shiny powder is pretty much biochar too. Both are beneficial for organic soil gardens. Just like anything else use in moderation, I will typically use half cup per 5-10 gallons of soil. My ash comes from my wood burning stove in my living room that gets fed with pallet wood which never seems to be consistent of type of tree it came from but got nothing but excellent results adding to my soil mixes the last year and a half since we legalized