Plant trainers

Bodhi Good Medicine

see the trainer lol

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Just designing a few of these. I would be interested to see what sizes people want and any adaptions?

Just a quick thing i threw together. It needs strengthening on the arms but you can do 90Ā° or 180Ā° bends which i figured was plenty. I might add an arm to keep it growing sideways so you can hook it in unless i can make it modular :thinking: hmmm


Interesting design on it but those arms need to be MUCH thicker. I have the standard clips where arms are 3+ times wider than those and I lose a few every grow from the plant flexing and breaking the arms. Kind of like this

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Yarp in progress of design 2


Hmmmm just playing now


Any chance of some sort of anti-gravity device to stop buds from falling over without having to attach a bunch more cables to the ceiling and get in the way of the other cables for my lights and light movers? :stuck_out_tongue: I invite anyone who can come up with one to test the prototype on me, and we can then join up to market it under the name Hoverbud :tm:


What size plants? Im assuming you have three ish choices, plant yoyoā€™s, scrog net or some kind of stem reinforcement. I can design something to hook onto the stem but you can just use a rod and any kind of tie for a lot less.

We can also go for my patented design of the wired drone bud supports but those might cost you more than the lights


Usually around 3-4 feet tall including the root zone, though sometimes I actually manage to train them intelligentlyā€¦ Iā€™m already using bamboo rods and just twist-tying branches to them for the most part, or tomato cages when I can. Scrog doesnā€™t really work with a perpetual flower room where Iā€™m constantly rotating plants in and harvesting older ones. Yo-yos get in the way of my light movers and will cause mass plant death when they get caught in the motors, so thatā€™s a no-go as well.

I really was just looking for the portable mini anti-gravity field generator, but just getting a few AI-controlled drones to hold up each plant and fly around the cables to avoid getting caught would do the job too! Damn, now that I know itā€™s possible Iā€™m not gonna be able to rest until I hack Google to take over their Deepmind rigs and get them to set it up. :frowning:


Powerfull magnet : )


Unless that plastic is stronger than the stuff mine were printed from Iā€™d still thicken up the clips by at least double. Then again if you have the ability to just print more if the plant snaps some I guess itā€™s not as big a deal :laughing:

The option to 90 or 180 is pretty cool though. Itā€™s got me imagining options like a handlebar mustache of a plant.


Slick what clips are you using on the beastie your training

I need to try them

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No picture on the site for some reason but the owner Doug 3d prints them. Keep in mind those are what Iā€™m running because I won some off their IG page but there are much cheaper options of the same design on Amazon. I would support that shop and buy their clips if it was only a few dollars more but you can get like 100 of them for $10 on Amazon so itā€™s hard to justify spending that much more.


Iā€™ve said exactly the same thing to him about pretty much everything Iā€™ve ever bought from them, or asked for a price check onā€¦ occasionally if itā€™s only 10% extra there Iā€™ll help them out, but at 30-50% or more expensive theyā€™re kinda screwed either way. They canā€™t drop their prices all that much and still make a profit, but they also canā€™t compete with Amazon on most of their products. :frowning:

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Yeah itā€™s the sad reality of a local brick and mortar shop competing with a global powerhouse fueled by cheaply made Chinese products. Iā€™ve bought PH pens, airpots, soil, and nutes on occasion from him but more often than not Iā€™m just going to order it and save myself money.

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