Plants seem healthy but lacking Yield... is it my nutrient profile?

Here’s a video of the ladies I just recorded

It could be the tap water as some suggested, also are you growing always the same strain? Sometimes you are used to some strain yield and that stuff and on the change it gets you, anyway, a little tip I use sometimes is when I have bushy plants in flower and leaves block light, I just do some LST to them, mostly at mid flower or when the fattening stage starts, so the light gets to more parts on the plant, you could even lst the buds to an horizontal position,you will get funky looking buds, but it will grow a bit more

We live in very different climates… you can flower outdoors at this time of year???


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I was just thinking the same… lol
I am still debating whether to bring the plants outside this weekend or next weekend.

Living somewhere where you can plant almost year round must be amazing.

Lot of sodium no bueno

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