This one cut always has issues

Keeping getting a deficiency or lockout with this one cut…BB muffin from HSC. I know it’s a finicky one. The mother plant flowered the same. Week 2 of flower it starts eating itself. It did this last time. All the other plants are solid, different strains. Green, loving it. All clones from the last round. All doing exactly as before. Running GH Floranova. ~600ppm. bloom, calmag, si. when this started i tried adding a little koolbloom, but it didn’t stop anything. maybe it just does this. the buds are fine in the end though. best blueberry smell i have ever run into and i had some good specimens around 2000.

It’s not bugs or too much watering, too little. Nute regime works for all plants except this one. What is it missing? K?


Running different strains together can be a challenge. I try to find a happy medium for them all but it doesn’t always work out.

Some plants are just bitchy. I ran the same cut of an NL 3 times and each time it was ugly. Never did figure it out but they finished just fine.


I keep hoping someone would tell me it’s too much nutes…i know how to fix that, but this may be it. Lots of folks complain about this strain not acting right. some finish in ~50days. this one you could take anywhere from 50 to 70 depending on what you want. perhaps the earliness of it throws off something.

i actually flower 10 strains at a time…i have two of these tiny tents, 20"x36". i know the issues with variety, but i have found that there is a happy medium that feeds most of them well enough. i may not optimize everything, but at least the mins are usually met. the other tent looks fine. It’s just the stupid muffin.


Best I could come up with for my issue was pH/calcium/whatever and I corrected for these but accomplished nothing.

I’ve had a similar issue with multiple plants of a single strain that I just could not keep happy in veg. I culled them. I’m not spending an entire run chasing my tail it takes all the fun out of it.

As long as they finish, that’s what matters :+1:


the yield on this one is about half too. if it didn’t smell the way it does it would be a pass for sure.

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Calmag? Using LED?

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yes. led. it definitely gets calmag. they all do. i wondered if it didn’t want calmag. the leave edges getting burnt doesn’t strike me as a cal or mag issue. this happens in flower only.

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Yeah for sure man. If you find the smoke exceptional then who cares? It’s not like we’re trying to make the cover of high times magazine :zap:


Considering the cocky making-of of the line and the pic, i think it’s more a matter of interaction between the feeding cocktail that she don’t handle. I will try a minimalist approach sequence by slices of three days, until i find what she like to drink.


Strange. I grew it last year. BBM it took anything I threw at it. Likes more N. That’s about it. Probably wants more N. I supplemented with fish poop and kelp with it. It loves a kelp foliar.

so, you think it wants less of something…hmm. i had considered that during the last round. It is getting tip burn so it’s getting too much of something. Perhaps N or Ca/Mg. i wonder if it gets locked out easy…maybe the calmag is messing it up. it doesn’t really look like N def either as @ColeLennon suggests because it coming in splotches. it’s not pure yellowing. rh and temp are ok too…54% and 76f avg. rh goes down in a week or two.


No, I don’t think it’s a less/more something. But a question of recipe she don’t like.

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it’s a pretty simple recipe. GH floranova bloom for the most part. i can’t change it. it is what it is. it did this without the Si which i didn’t run last time. so, that’s not it. ca/mg is the only other ingredient…and water of course. i am probably just going to give up on it. it makes ok bud. all the other plants will make nice bud on this recipe and look decent while doing it though. i have heard of some plants always cannibalizing themselves. it does seem to be a trait, but it also suggests to me sort of what you are saying: it doesn’t like something. lol.

I understand.

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I run multiple strains in concurrence too.


This happens to me as well occasionally.

It’s can be where you have a finicky strain that hates something you are throwing at it in late veg or early flower or one that absolutely gobbles up nutes in veg and you start flowering not realizing you are already behind the 8-ball, chasing deficiencies.

It can also be a bad batch of soil, if you go that way, or even root-issues

Keep track of how she’s feeding.

I agree with @Foreigner, you try to find a happy medium. Simple is better. When in doubt, simplify nutes, flush, reset.

As long as she finishes, I don’t get too hung up.


K deficiency was my first thought. If your throwing cal/mag the excess mag can cause an increase need in K. Guessing the cal/mag is carried by nitrate?..which would explain the fan tips being a tad burnt.


that is sort of what i had thoughts last time i ran this. i may try to drop the calmag for this one and see if it chills out. it kept like this though the entire flower last time. it was not super pretty, but the buds hung in there. hard to tell if it just needs more k or just needs to free up the k pathway.


I found BBM very easy to grow. Maybe back off some do a micro dose of balanced nutes. I micro dose with pretty much everything I grow until mid to late bloom.


Yeah it could be either, but your on the right track easing up a tad to see.


base ppm for my water is 225 to 250. so, i am only adding 350ppm or less. that would be pretty low, right?

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