Playing casino with old seeds : testing a seed enhancer

Disclaimer : I start faithless, technically i’m not supposed to expect a single germination. Old, bad storage, last batch of these seeds was made in hurry during a relocation … all in one. But if i get something, that’s the proof than this kind of product is not placebo ^^

Not really an advanced technic but it have to be there i think.

On left, the very last 20 seeds of an old release of 2009. Even if i was restarting it from scratch, i will be unable to do it again. A bit stressfull, even if i’ve allready planned an alternative. A friend will be very happy if i germinate at least one specimen, the line is tailored for one of his project. Most of pressure come from this will to help him.

The informations on the package (with the reference of what is inside) :

How it look like :

And with the seeds inside, this thing is coating the shell very fast :

I will sow them directly in soil as it and prey. I will give twos weeks before germinating the alternative (Sensi Star) and say definitivly good bye to this line. To be continued …


I’ve let the seeds crawling in the powder overnight, transplantation today. Superstition is around, 21 seeds in fact ^^

Nothing special but aerated dead soil with 1 milliliter per liter of Rootbastic. Re-hydrated mainly by the bottom and the surface carefully sprayed over the seed spot. They will be watered by spray only until i see a little green leaf somewhere.

Not only a time machine, but also a weed i love to smoke. You can chew the secondaries like a licorice stick, and have the impression to lick the skin of an orange fruit.

The warm high begin in temples and make you “kinda drunk”, but like a big vodka shot you take just after a big fear or intense sensations. Not very casual but strong as fuck and never boring.

I cross my fingers to bring back this beast in the active center of the genpool. Years i should launch these seeds but too scared to say goodbye. Stupid.

To be continued…


Interesting, following along… :+1:


Finally, it’s time to say goodbye to the OBB for good. None seed popped but it’s not specially a surprise, i was waiting for a miracle.

For the powder, i’ve not saw a true difference. Just a roots booster i think and i rather prefer an holly Root Excellurator for that.


Did you try popping them in the freezer first?
I find that small shot of nitro introduced from the freezer does wonders.


That’s an interesting idea thanks


Is roots excelurater still pretty decent these days? I used to use it a while back now and then they changed the formula for some reason. Think they were required to and after that I remember not having the same results.

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Let’s roll the :game_die: dice!!

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Did you try popping them in the freezer first?
I find that small shot of nitro introduced from the freezer does wonders.

Not my poison. Ice + cells = explosion. Just like a full bottle of water.

Is roots excelurater still pretty decent these days? I used to use it a while back now and then they changed the formula for some reason. Think they were required to and after that I remember not having the same results.

For now, and after a couple of dozen of products tested on long term (atm i’m testing the Rootbastic), i’ve never found something at least equal. Crazy stuff, but i was not aware than it was the case until i was hunting something cheaper.

The root excellurator is a very sensible product just like the top shooter (liquid form) : it’s how i’m selecting my growshops. If one sell me a fcked bottle, they never see me again ^^ Unstable storage “temp variations” just kill these products and make them useless.

edit : the line is definitively extinguished ^^

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