A gift I'm happy to recieve

Hey ogers, I’m super excited about a gift I should receive in a few days…:grin:. A good buddy of mine has sent me a time capsule of genetics…

he said he took a couple vials and dug them right slap in the middle of the pile and filled them. Says his guess is 50-75 seeds…tho he mentioned he has not separated good from bad, but it’s def some good ones there…getting them to germ is on me.:sunglasses:


Happy hunting.

:desert: :mountain: :ocean: :crescent_moon:


This could be fun! Good luck on the germination.


I would definately like having friends like yours :grin:, interesting experiment ahead, good luck! :sunglasses:


might be a while…but could be fun!


Panama, Mexico, Colombia, Thai, Vietnamese. SCORE! especially in these Phylos deception landrace FOMO times!


Yeah, I’m super excited about them…even tho if any actually germ, I’ll have no idea what it could be…with such a big time gap…i don’t give a rat’s whoot. Lol…the hairs on my arm stands when I think about what could be in there… waiting…:sunglasses:


Nice!! I bet it will be fun to search through that “time capsule”!! Enjoy and spread love!! Blessings Jah


oh man , hope you find the hallucinogen tripweed. Im curious if there is apure viet inside… Are they crossed or do you have any info /guess if they are pure ones? Tell,j ust if you like

I also want to say some might be really hot on These beans, i men really, really really. if there is legit thaiweed, or vietnames, mamamia!!! I would be happy to see some photos, just if you like.
Hey and you find about two or three different good threads on www.icmag.com, about how to germinate insane old Seeds. They often need some Chemicals to crack Shell , and Abit more if i recall right… I recomment searching on icmag OVER Google, cause icmags intern searching-modul isnt that great imho. type into Google the frase:
old germinating site:www.icmag.com .

Peace, dont miss the SE-ASIANS in it!


Hey , and i didnt wanna prole like an expert. Just in case you dont know how extreme wanted some Vietnamese Thais are exactly. I can tell you truethfully they can put you into Space! You can trip on These… After that other Drugs seem rather weak… Often you will find this Tripweeds to not be very stable. and ranging from just pschedelic glow to rare Trip-phenos, every 30 Plants… Still the best in my opinion

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I’ll have to vet more…out of 63 beans none germed…ill try to get more and see.


I STRONGLY recommend to read all the threads on icmag, and better try all the Methods there, i know its much Work. Or easy way, why not contact Snowhigh? You know snowhigh, the one who has many Landraces. i think he eventually would give you custom tips. i can give his email… but wont put it onto the thread, just email me for it: romanotube@hotmail.com . Just go the hard way and try all Methods i suggest. I smoked wat i believed was from 1977 viet seeds in 2002, so its possible , GOOD LUCK, take your Time, i wished sooooooo much i had These Seeds from what i smoked, now i cross modern Viets, will not be same i suggest.

And if you got just one Plant and it is something that Looks like a SE ASIAN i should be able to send you some Vietblacks for Fathers next year. But only then, since i dont wanna produce far Outcrosses with mexican.

James throw them in the freezer for a couple of days for a shot of nitrogen


They’re gone. But I’ll see if my buddy can spare more.:sunglasses:


did he share more?

Mani have a jar of seeds I started prob mid 2000s, none of the 20 I tried have sprouted. I’ll check into some of the other tips for old seeds. I just soaked with some peroxide in the water. May have to wait for summer and just soak them all and see what pops. It’s at least half a cup of seeds.

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I haven’t asked for more. I dont know if he still has them.


I have about thirty seeds from a Washington pot farm Circa mid 70’s popped three so far with 2 germ. One we guess as a Mazar with a heavy fresh tanned leather taste. Didn’t take clone but when I get a chance to do a big run I will for sure. Know there’s some gold in them beans.


Sounds promising

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