Please help identify

Hey @George

I associate this with caterpillars. Its like slick and shiny at the right angle. Trust me the middle leaf has the most. Do other pests leave a similar residue?



Hopefully thrips. They tend to leave the ‘shiny’ looks with their damage.
Looks like spider mite damage.

Can you grab a shot of the leaf with the most damage?


I think “fortunately” it look like thrips damage, they scratch the surface and leave these kind of scars:


They are good hiding, caterpillars bite and leave holes behind, use yellow sticky traps to confirm …


Pretty sure its not caterpillars and wanted to make sure. Thanks @DirtySlowToes @George. The thrip damage is less than minimal. Stuff happens outside. Vigilant bout them pillars though. Case closed. Thank yous twos


Edit Trying to close topic


This comment got me intrigued, can you wipe it out? Can you post a pic of the whole plant? Do they look glossy or "wet "? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

Only a few leaves from 7 plants. The above pic was the best example I found. Again just wanted to make sure it aint caterpillars. Thanks

Edit: Not wet. More sticky. When wiped with finger said fingertip can stick to thumb. Wiped off? Kinda


Possibly the dried slime trails of a slug or snail?


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I want to Say thrips

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I would invest into one of these. It works great for identifying pest and to make sure your IPM is working.

It’s thrips mate good luck curing them plants!
My exterior garden has tons of thrips :worried: What is shining is feces, look for tiny darker dots on your leaves to confirm.

I noticed some cuttings I have also got thrips

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See above he figured it out. Also not sure if you meant to reply to me, but okay yes sir thanks. Not my plants but problem solved thanks

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I remember closing threads back in the day. Am i tripping?

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Fairly certain needs to be done by mods. They may see this and move it into a bigger pest thread or close it all together.

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Was it always like that?