What's eating my leaves? It was a caterpillar all along!

Howdy y’all!

I think something’s wrong with my tomato plants again, maybe a bacterial/fungal infection? Some background information: The plant is indoors and grown in ProMixHP. There has been no change in nutrient feed, RH, or lighting in the past two weeks. The issue began yesterday or the day prior, just noticed this morning. So far, I only see it in one plant and in only a few leaves on that plant. Here’s some pictures:

Your time is much appreciated!


Check this out and see if damage is similar… beer3|nullxnull


I would also look for caterpillars. They may blend in really well being the same color as stalk and foliage sometimes.


I agree they also could be, but they normally leave back clean holes, like first pic.

Watching tissue damage and no hole, made me think of leafminers … beer3|nullxnull


Would something like Canncontrol from Mammoth work? Also, do I have to treat all the plants as well?

maybe, but you need to figure out your issue first.

Well, I doubt that it’s caterpillars, unless they’re microscopic ones. I believe George might be on to something with the tissue damage point. The damage I see from google searches seems to have these white trails too, like these pictures. I don’t see these trails on my leaves however.


That mammoth canncontrol states it eliminates multiple things, so if George would also use it for leafminer control, then I know if I use it and the issue continues that it wasn’t leafminers AND it wasn’t any of the things the canncontrol treats.

That was on my mind before watching this video, they make holes while putting eggs with no larvae that degradate and are nutrient deposits for the progenie, looks like this:


Is this a caterpillar? This thing got huge! I inspected the plant all over and couldn’t see anything. Looked again today and there it was.


That’s is! There are some that get to be 4-6" long.

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Thank you @Slammedsonoma420 and @George for your time and wisdom, it’s much appreciated. Would y’all recommend using a BT Thuricide Spray on the plants?


Your welcome, glad we could be of help. If it’s just caterpillars I would just pluck them off. I’m not sure BTI would work. When I’ve had caterpillars (on Tomato plants) there are usually only a few of them, not hundreds. Good luck!


Thanks @Slammedsonoma420, you were right, lesson learned … beer3|nullxnull


All that matters is we try to help our fellow grower! Thank you as well @George