Please help me identify these insects


I just discovered these tiny guys. They are pale green and round with long antennae. There are about 20 crawling on the area where I chopped the stalk. Still in veg so I have time to act on it. Never had bugs before in all my years growing. Can’t find any in my other tent. Are these aphids? Mites? Any help is much appreciated.


Springtails maybe? icon_e_confused|nullxnull



You need to take a better pic.

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Yeah I took a video where you can see them crawling around but could only upload a still from that video here. I’ll have to take some pics later.

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You can upload it to YouTube and post here the link …

@George just wanted to say Cheers !!! And a Thank You for sharing your time and wisdom with all the OG family. I have seen the time you put in via numerous sick or problem plants. I have learned a lot following along. Thank you Sir your dedication it’s greatly appreciated and many gardens will prosper with your help . There are a few plant doctors around here and you are definitely one !!!


Thanks for your kind words :pray:, I first came here asking for help, learned from the real experts and now wanting to give back what I have learnt from them empollon|nullxnull , lots of knowledge to dig in this section, my favorite in OG … beer3|nullxnull


One of my favorites aswell !!! Appreciate you !!! Cheers !!!

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@George hello there I’m a newbie in my 1st grow 21 days in flower an was wondering if u could help me understand why I’m getting 3 point leafs top of my 2 girls anywho sorry to bother u when u got bugs to deal with hope u get rid of them have good day


Could be a predatory mite. Hard to tell.

I just saw the long antennas and discarded many others, aphids normally are on leaves up in the plant and their antennas are on the side oh their head normally making a 90º angle:

Captsura Captura

mites are not easy to see naked eye and don’t have antennas, like this soil mite:


but maybe you’re right and it can be a root aphid:

root aphid


Thanks so much for the reply! I agree that it could be a root aphid. They are super tiny but not hard to see. Pale tear shaped bodies with that exact shape antennae. I also haven’t seen many on leaves, mostly stalks and the wounds where I cut stems. I sprayed with Zymes this morning during lights out. Going to defoliate then spray again tomorrow. Then use some diatomaceous earth on the soil and dust the stalks. Hopefully can get rid of them soon because I need to flip to flower asap.


Great, just remember that if you use DE you will have to water from the bottom, it is useless when wet … beer3|nullxnull


Although… they do move fairly fast in the video I took. Darting around quickly all over the stalk. I’ve seen the way root aphids move in videos and they are way slower than these move. Could these be soil mites? Do soil mites climb stalks and go on plants?

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Can you post a link to that video? icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I have it posted in the advice and help channel of the Night Owl Discord. That’s about the only place other than here that I post anything.

If you want help you should post it here.