PM on the stem?

Had these cuts sitting in some water at the window and I’m wondering if these are water spots from kinda hard water or pm on the stem? I believe I saw a leaf on two plants with pm after receiving cuts from someone that had pm, I threw the cuts away the day they rooted and I saw, but this looks like some pictures offline I’ll post those first then mine


Now here’s a couple pics of snips that’s were sitting in a cup of water with the water changed here and there .

I couldn’t post screenshots of videos and those were the best shots I could


I have not done alot of cloning …
But as I have read white bumps are a precursor to root formation


Not sure what that is, but mold would be my first guess.

No way would anything that had any malformations and/or the white powdery mold of death - I’d keep it out of my rotation (saw that you removed the cuts, good plan)!.


The pic is harder to see so that would maybe look like it in the picture I know this isn’t root formation tho they were in water in this is an inch or so above the water level as well


Yea I tossed em and it was my favorite cut I’ve ever ran! A buddy on the west coast rooted some cuts from me over a month ago so maybe I’ll see her again.


I would have seen how it reacted to a treatment of h2o2 first. :wink:


Thank you for the tip they’re gone but maybe I’ll try that if I see it again. I have a couple mothers in there I really wanna keep safe. I rotate neem oil and canncontrol. Is hydrogen peroxide a specific heavy hitter for stuff like this? You recommend using some on the other stuff in there now to be safe or is it the type that stresses em a little but good for the long run if ya see it?


Yes you could have wiped that off with h202 and been fine. Live and learn. Grow on

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No need to toss plants for something as simple as PM.

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There was one cut of black strawberry preserve that has this a little less intense after I sprayed mammoth p I kept it alive cuz I just tried the smoke of the drying buds and it’s phenomenal. So, Average store hydrogen peroxide? Soaking a paper towel and scrubbing it off? I’d love to save this cut and it doesn’t even look as bad as those did and it’s one spot

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Correction not mammoth p, mammoth canncontrol

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I’ve had some wierd white stuff on clones. if it’s bad I just toss, but have had success with hp. a spray and wipe usually does the trick.

You need to identify your vector, or source of contributing factors.

Maybe you want too ring @JoeCrowe , not sure if he is charging for his services yet;)


Powdery mildew is an easily exterminated parasite. Mix 1 tablespoon of 90%+ elemental sulfur with 1 liter of water and soak the plants down. Do it again 2 weeks later, and the mildew will never come back. Never spray in bloom and never use within 30 days of an oil based application. The price you have to pay me for this information is to tell someone else that mildew is easily exterminated.


Thank you! It’s a very tiny bit on one plant I’ve kept and it’s not around other plants now I’ll get on it


Make sure you treat all the plants, even if they don’t seem to have it. You don’t want to let it have a toehold to regenerate from.


You have a better photo of it? That could be water scale in the images above.

I got rid of all those I’ll take a better picture of the one black strawberry preserve I have left these all Did sit in a cup of water for a while after being cut from the mothers initially

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It’s hard to get a close clear picture. This was one that was In a water cup, replaced here and there for a while in the window all I did thus far was the canncontrol and this is the only spot Ive seen. But I had clones sent to me that seemed to have pm on the leaves when rooted. threw em
Out immediately but I’ve been scared about everything I’ve seen since.

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Have u tried licking it? What does it taste like? :thinking:
Lol just playin


I would go with positive identification. Get a magnifying glass and really get a good look, because from here that definitely looks like water scale. If you can’t rub it off with your finger, then it’s scale.