White mold black dots on outside of rockwool, what to do?

So I didn’t have small rockwool cubes left and used the next size up that I have. All the clones look great with roots starting but now I see this. Should I toss em? Can’t identify this online I only see black mold on the cubes and such or white mold on the cubes itself across the internet. I only see This on the bottom part of the wrapping with these. Idk how i grew some average crappy weed for like the first 5 years of growing but never had pests/ mold issues. Now I grow good weed but I’m gettin all these fuckin problems here and there. I’ve thousands of clones like hundreds in a day in cali what the fuck am I doing wrong now?!?!?!?!

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Forgot to put the pic with it


You can spray it with diluted peroxide, it won’t affect the clone and mould or eggs will be gone… beer3|nullxnull


Thank you! Do you think those are some sort of eggs?

Is that mycelium?

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I didn’t think so but I’d love for someone to tell me that lol. I’m not the one that would know that I’ve been coco/perlite with salty nutes forever just started some soil

Just check it for yourself. Grab a pair of tweezers and inspect one. lol

I have seen this before with growers that use rockwool or at least something that looks like this… these usually aren’t eggs.

If you were to pull one they should be hard almost like rock. It’s a byproduct of manufacturing the rockwool and shows up with watering. Don’t ask me why it happens but it does.

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I will check them out I haven’t seen it like this before and I’ve always done rockwool what way do you clone? I’d love to try an aerocloner but I wanna make sure I can get a nice one and focus to learn that properly if I do. Maybe gonna try rapid rooters since the last couple clones with rockwool has been weird all the sudden.

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I don’t use rockwool. I did when I first started. I use coco now and I go easy mode and just use clonex and put the clone directly into pure coco in a 12oz solo cup. Works well for me and keeps things simple.

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What was weird about your recent rockwool clones?

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I’ve used rockwool, clonex, and some GH nutes for cloning since 2016 with no problems cloning . Usually quick good roots with keeping the mothers health in mind. But the past 3 times I’ve taken clones has had issues I don’t know what has happened but the first time they took so long to root maybe 2 weeks which is not usual for me with how healthy the mothers were. Then I got a new bottle of clonex thinking maybe there was a problem there, The clones again took a long time to root, I saw a couple clones have roots pop out maybe 11-12 days after the dome then all the other cuts in the dome needed a few more days. Now these ones all look great and you saw within 3-4 days the white/root growth starting on the clone itself. But now it’s day 5 and I see this. I don’t think it’s the rockwool cubes fault I gotta be doing something wrong, but I’m not sure what’s changed. I mean I really focus on all numbers at all times ph,ppm,EC, temp humidity. I clean the domes when I’m done with the clones. I know there’s gotta be something wrong on my behalf but I don’t know what so I’m wanting to try somethin g else because cloning should be the least of my problems now. Usually my problem was all the clones rooted quick I gotta throw some out or find someone that wants them.

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I had similar issues with green algae. I now use peroxide mixed with the water I give my clones. It has helped a lot, but I still find I need to sterilize between batches of clones. Hope you figure it all out.
Edit to say you can build an aerocloner pretty easy.

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I guess I’ve never looked at how to build I’ve always just looked at ones to purchase and don’t like to get the cheapest of anything. but I oughta look up how to build and try it out I got some pumps,aerators, I know some plumbing between growing and working as a water treatment operator. I’ve just only thought of trying them recently really since these problems happened.thank you guys all for the help!!!

Somebody posted a photo of those here a while back and they were eggs I thought.

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Sheesh I hope not but I forsure thought it was possible looking at those black dots. I sprayed really good in the dome with zerotol (hydrogen peroxide mix spray) this morning I saw one clone in there with a little bit left on the bottom of the plastic that wraps the rockwool. Got rid of that clone and I’m gonna spray again tonight if I see anything more I’ll probably toss the whole tray but spraying that Zerotol and closing the dome clearly made a difference

Are you sure that’s mold? mold would be like a fuzzy patch not single dots.

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There is fuzzy white patches that the black dots are on. I’m not sure at all about the black dots but there is some fuzzy white fungus/mold on the plastic where these black dots are at

I’m not even 100% sure what to scientifically call the white fuzzy stuff lol but I just assume that’s a mold or mildew, there’s no black dots anywhere but on those white hairy patches which I got rid of both of those clones I saw it on because I took at least two of each strain I took cuts of

You can sprinkle cinnamon on it and that will kill mold.