Poll: What kind of pots do you use? 🌱

I use AutoPots as my main pots, any smaller grows or pheno hunts I’ll use 1 gal plastic pots


Not sure how to vote @George. When I do bud runs I use fabric but with the seed runs I tend to keep them smaller and use plastic :thinking:


I use plastic yogurt containers and rigid plastic pots.


:thinking: Fabric pots are made of polypropylene and air pots are made from polyethylene, damn, it’s like there’s no escaping plastic anymore :joy: time to bring it back to the old school


Start in hard plastic Pro Gro nursery sizes for the first two pots, then to 7g (plastic) felt bags for flower


Well I have been using Radicle Bags but apparently they stopped making them so once the ones I have break down I’m not sure what I’ll switch to. I know Rain Science made something similar but I’ll have to see if they still do and may have to stock up.

I liked these over fabric pots because they didn’t have the salt build up issue and they were much easier to remove the root ball and clean than fabric pots.


Solo cups to 1 gal plastic to final fabric pot, usually a 3 gallon


Seems like only me and @Pigeonman use Airpots?
I used fabric and I am testing 3 gal Airpots now.


I use Airpots too, or the less inexpensive brand Oxy-Pots :grin:


Wow friend,nice plants😍

Thank you but that is a old grow that showed off my pots…
This is my Grow at the moment.


Primarily fabric but solos for youngins and sometimes the odd plastic or bucket if I’ve got more and run out. This year they’re going in ground though. I’ll still probably end up putting a couple in pots though :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I always get an itch to pop just a few more or take in some cuts :man_shrugging:

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25 Day Veg to flip.


I started this year and switched over after using them during an STS run with Kosher Kush. Blew me away and works well for me at least. I TOTALLY know how much faffing around they need but I’m cool with that as it’s in my nature and this just works WITH it.

The plants I’ve gotten in a 1L pot with steady feeding are literally mini TREES that I hold by their trunks when unwrapping the air-pot and then up potting into the next size.

My vegging photo’s that are gonna go outside end of may will be both in 3.5gal (green) air-pots by then so when they get up potted into a 20 gallon… i expect a few days of “what is this?” by the plants and then a sudden “OHH SHIT!!!” as they explode with root growth followed by what I assume to be a season of constant leaf plucking :smiley:

I make this assumption because it is EXACTLY what happens when I do this indoors.

I hear ya. I am so very blessed that my local hydroponic store carries them, and at 1/3 less the price than ANY OTHER RETAILER in the city. Only cheaper way for me to buy em would be in bulk packs of 25 but that’s a one size only deal.


I really like these containers I’m using for maximizing space



Plastic pots
Recently was gifted some fabric pots but have not used them yet. Tempted I will not lie.

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HYBRID; I’ve dubbed it the: “ΩPot

A 5.6gal (blue bottom) Air-pot filled with a combo of coco chips, PromixBX, and perlite with a 10" net pot bucket lid that is filled with hydrotron as it’s bottom.

The net pot is in a 72L res which has up to 30L in it at a time; 2x airstones drawing in cold air from outside the tent (solution cooling), and a 250gph pump fixed outside that pulls the solution from one end of the tub, out up and over the lid to waterfall into 2x spots on the far end.

ΩPot = Octopot + Air-Pot + Fallponics + RDWC

The plant is the image above is a BOG SourBluTooth F2 and is in heavy re-veg after sexing and is the test run for this system…

Quod Erat Demonstrandum:

After all this I’m actually MORE EXCITED for @CADMAN 's reveal of his: :om:Pot



Who would that be?
My big worry with them is fungus gnats… Is that a concern or am I totally OTL?



I asked and was told: “We got enough in bulk at one time so long ago that we have not needed to reorder and decided that we are not going to mark them up until we run out and have to order new stock. New stock new price. BUY MORE NOW :rofl:

Orange bottom here: $6 :canada:
Orange bottom there: $10. :canada:

They are so solid that cleaning and reusing them I find faster than traditional pots.

That being said; I STILL USE square pots too; but I NOW use a soldering iron to make holes and call them “Speedpots” (because they have speed holes). These are what all my Cannasia live in. :hugs:

As far as insects: no problem what so ever. I’d imagine IF you have an insect issue then YES the sidewalls are entry ways; but it’s never come up. I’m thinking the fact I let the walls dry out in between waterings would make it hard for them to settle down… that and I don’t have insects (knock on wood) due to OCD routines.


