Poll: What kind of pots do you use? šŸŒ±

Gardzenonline.com is where I get my fabric grow bags

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I was going to say other Octopots, but then I thought fabric. :thinking:


I accidentally chose Airpots, but I use about half and half fabric and plastic. No airpots.

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You are in the GTA right? Whoā€™s the vendor?



Hydrotech hydroponics (scarbs and markham)


Wow, yes, good pricing & they have a Markham storeā€¦ Thanks!



Add me to that!

I start in plastic 1qt yogurt cups (Greek style, of course!).

Then up can to 1 g Rootbuilders. Apparently the original airpot, IDK.

Then up can to 2 or 3g Airpots.

No problems with gnats that yellow stickies donā€™t take out quickly.

The AP style are great for attaching canesā€¦ fabric, not so much.


Oxy/air pots for me. Start in solos then to one gallon plastic then on to the seven gallon air pots.


I start in solo cups and up pot to 1 gallon plastic pots until they are ready for their final home in a 3 or 5 gallon fabric pot for the rest of the grow.

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6 gallon buckets, though may scale back. Iā€™ll also be using 1/2 gallon plastic for breeders I want to keep small. Thatā€™s all hydro, for coco I was using 5 gallon fabric, though Iā€™ll likely dial it back to 3 gallon if I ever do coco again.

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Hey all, I think I remember a recent post talking about ā€œgenericā€ air pots, but I canā€™t remember what theyā€™re branded as. Can anybody help me out?
Iā€™m getting ready to buy a bunch for an upcoming perpetual setup (BOG style!)
Edit: I see what youā€™re using @HorseBadorites , but Iā€™m not sure if they were those particular ones


I may try me some air pots once my fabric wear out. Iā€™ve never heard any negatives associated with them. Fabric pots really dry out easy and the plastic can get too hot in summer.


I run plastic 1 gallon pots mostly, but occasionally I also use 5 gallon fabric pots with my Auto Pots Auto3 tray. I run autos almost exclusively, and Iā€™ve found I can get faster turnaround in the smaller pots. Once that tap root bottoms out, they get to work up top šŸŖ“


Was it with a square base?

Not 100% sure. What did you have in mind?

IDK, @HeadyBearAdventures, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a bunch of similar pots. Our only grow shop carried the RMā€™s, but wouldnā€™t carry 2gā€™s, so I went with the APā€™s.

I used to use the 8 and 10l rose pots that Trader Joeā€™s got their flowers in, then threw away! They were great for Hempy buckets because they didnā€™t have holes in the bottom.

When I went to mud, I drilled a bunch of holes in the sides for a DIY AP.

That worked, but someone told me that the pimples on the air pots would direct the roots outward better. It does seem like it, but IDK.

Iā€™ve been using the RMā€™s and APā€™s for 10 years. They both have held up, and Iā€™m pretty abusive!

I use coco/perlite now, and used to pack the coco into the dimples to keep the medium from falling out. I got lazy once, or just forgot to pack one, and it everything stayed putā€¦ well pretty much, so I donā€™t even do that anymore!

I donā€™t know what BOG perpetual is, but Iā€™ve had a perpetual going for 12 yearsā€¦ havenā€™t been out of weed since :slight_smile:

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Really? I looks bigger. Huh. I was gonna get the 110 liter one lol

Yell at my plants to hurry up and grow then lol


Like most here Iā€™ve used the ones in the poll, all of them have there pro and cons. Here lately its been starting in solo cups and transferring into fabric pots. Its been awhile since Iā€™ve ran hydro setup, so that might be just what the doctor ordered this spring.

I used to only buy square fabric pots for that reason. I could cram a much more unreasonable amount of plants into a small space with less issues :joy: a light went off when I realized the space I saved over round pots


I use 1 and 3 gallon plastic pots. I have 3 gallon fabric pots but I feel that when I move fabric pots that sometimes I damage my plants roots and that stunts them so I prefer the solid plastic pots unless I am sure I wonā€™t need to move the plants around during flowering.