Poll: What kind of pots do you use? 🌱

Both plastic and fabric, outdoors. I’ve slowly been shifting toward fabric bags, but I keep running out of containers and I have a good sized collection of plastic pots I picked up over the last 15 years… might as well put them to use.

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I use and reuse every size pot I get from my local garden center. Usually they’re small because they are used for veggie starts. I also clean and repurpose my Tidy Cat litter holders, the big ones. They’re fantastic above ground planters for large veggies, tomatoes and
other Vining plants. I haven’t used them with cannabis yet.
My mom has a black walnut tree that poisons in ground growing, so I had to improvise

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Nice! Made in Sacramento my hometown!

Fabric or rockwool for me :rofl: These give the best results over and over for me.

Pz :v:t2:

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Thick walled plastic, ideally with smooth surface area because I hand wash them so they can be reused. Some containers are a pain to hand wash with any sense of effectiveness.

This post got me thinking how cool it would be to have some nice hand thrown local artisan potters clay/porcelain containers. Cool topic! It’s neat learning from everyone else and hearing their perspectives. Appreciate you all. Much love

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I think the name of the generic air pots are oxypots. I bought twenty of the seven gallon ones last year. I like them. I little tricky to get use to. You need to water them slowly or they leak out the sides. Especially if they are thick with roots. Air pruning at its finest. Before that I used thick walled seven gallon plastic pots. Still the best yield ever off five plants(2.5lbs.). I start with one gallon plastic then move to three gallon plastics and then finish with the sevens. Hope that helps.

Till now squared black plastic ones. Some 1L, 2L, 3L and 5L.
Recently I purchased some 3L airpots to compare. Still not mounted.
Using coco and perlite.
The reason to use the 5L ones was for not having to stay feeding almost every day…


I’ve been sleeving a fabric pot into a plastic bag and cutting a hole for a net pot. I did not like that the fabric one gave up so much humidity. I have been pleased with the results


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People say just the contrary icon_e_confused|nullxnull, they state that plastic ones keep humidity much longer than fabric ones and have to water less, what do you mean with that? beer3|nullxnull

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I agree. I put the fabric one inside the plastic one to slow evaporation. I believe you misunderstood.

edit- for me it was more about controlling the humidity in the cabinet than watering.

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Plastic, fabric but my favorite are the plastic SIPS

That makes sense now … Arriba|nullxnull

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Octopots. Tried them 5 years ago and never looked back, they grow really huge plants. But the thing I like most is how easy they are. I can leave them for a week at a time without worry and go seed to harvest with just my soil mix.

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10 gallon plastic pots

Hello, I use various pots, sometimes fabric, air-pots and my old school pots to which I have given new life, I drill holes in the sides, I get better aeration throughout the substrate, more root development and aerobic microbiology around the holes. I’ll keep them all!


Walmart Reuseable shopping bag

Don’t think they can be beat at a buck a shot.


Love that bitbrace, looks like bought in an antiquarian… beer3|nullxnull

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:grin: Yes, it was my father’s, it looked good in the photo! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::blossom:
Actually I use an electric one, the trick is to make the holes at low revolutions, and use the hot drill bit so that the plastic forms a tube inside. :sun_with_face:


Nice antique hand drill! :+1:


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