Pollen chucking to DNA testing

Ok im going to ask here… This is all way over my head but, i got a bit of a crash course and now im curious :slight_smile:

Built a derivative of this for a friends wife: https://openpcr.org/ and a centrifuge and a bunch of small bits and bobs… And suddenly she with the help of a patreon subscription and some amazon orders - runs her own DNA marker testing at home for a lot less than her vet charges (dog breeders, also part of the breed rescue program).

The genetics is way over my head - but I cant help but wonder - she runs 3 screening tests (hip dysplasia, some kind of dementia, and a kidney issue) all she just plays the video follows along copying what’s done on the video. And gets results that match the insanely expensive vet dna tests so far…

What I’m wondering is - do we know what some of the important markers are yet - and more importantly - done an idiots guide to genetic testing for them? I ran across dozens of testing services and databases on google mostly geared around intellectual property of the cannabis plants.

Maybe it would be smart to start documenting/testing the strains out here in the hobbiest and medical worlds…