Pollen from female plant

I been searching, but didn’t found much, my question is… When we start making feminized seeds, does the female(herm) pollen crossed with a typical female, produce hermies or feminized seeds? I assume hermies, but how doesn’t produce hermies in itself(female herm).

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Most people dont use hermed females for pollination but rather a reversed female so there are no herm traits


@lotus710 yah that’s what i meant reversed with silver colloidal instead of herm. Can the reversed female pollinate other females?

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Yes, it can…
The seeds produced will be feminized…
There’s a chance you might find herms, but mostly female seeds if done properly…
Or so i heard…


@alwaysnoob That’s good to hear, almost done with producing some regular f2 and f1 seeds, next project is to feminize. With limited space i can’t only be growing a single plant.


If you select a nice female and reverse it, you can store the pollen for some time and regularly able to produce feminized crosses via selective pollination in the lower buds …
I would suggest looking at two of my brother’s journal @Budderton , @Gpaw to find notes about selective pollination and storing pollen…
But I’m sure you knew those information already…


Thanks, i know some, just didn’t knew the result of pollinating reversed female pollen with other females, appreciate the info. :raccoon::+1:


yeah as other have said, a reversed female pollinating another female will create feminized seeds, herms will only typically show if said strain has those genes already in it and is susceptible to herm.


I figure the longer it takes and more effort to get a plant to grow balls and dump pollen the resulting pollen should create seeds that will be more stable and less likely to hermie on you


At what point can the female be reversed? I have some females that have their white hairs growing.
Can I still reverse those?


Ok I have a question, I was gifted one bogs sour grape seed (femalize) the other day, and I want to make seeds from it, can I put female pollen on her and have femalized seeds, and if so does any one have any female pollen so I can try this, or will it not work any info will help and thank you


Pollen can be hard to find at the right time for using it. You should do a little reading on STS reversal and you can make your own fem pollen at home. Do you know how to clone? If so wait until you can get a few clones off the large plant and then once they get big enough you can use the Silver Thiosulphate (STS) to reverse one of the females. There are several good threads here on using STS to do some research.
It’s also possible to buy pollen on sites like Strainly but be sure to do some checking on whoever you decide to use.


Thank you for the info, I do know how to clone, maybe make a mother for cloning, that sounds like a plan, much easier, again thank you for the info, very appreciated

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Taking clones and keeping a mother has been the way I’ve done it for the last couple years. I usually run a new strain or two from seed each run and a couple from my mother plants Motorbreath 15 and pre 98 Bubba Kush. Hope it works out great for you.


Yeah that will be the way I’ll do it, I’m 60 years old so trying to do my own medicine, so trying to learn what I can, you are appreciated my friend, keep growing and again thank you

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Where are you located? I have several CBD Strain/Varieties of seeds I would be more than happy to send your way. Good to practice on AND grow your own medicine. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


yes. STS is probably the easiest most successful way to flip a female and make pollen. And if you have only one female plant you really like, you can ‘self’ her to make more feminized seeds.

  1. Take a bunch of clones of your initial female plant.
  2. Let them grow to a decent size.
  3. Put one of the clones into flower, and start spraying her with the STS
  4. About 3 weeks after the first plant went into the flower room, add the other clones into the flower tent.

Staggering them by 3 weeks means, your second plants (the ones to receive the pollen) will be at the right stage to receive pollen at the time the STS sprayed plant is completing its reversal, and starts dropping the pollen.


Can STS pollen be used on other female flowering plants or does it have to be just that plant the pollen came off of?

It can be used on anything. And if you dessicate/dehydrate the hell out of it, it can be frozen and used later on down the road too.
I’ve used pollen almost 2 years later and it worked.


Thank you answerd my predicament and it’s a positive outcome I have to learn to keep pollen better.I got to collect fresh pollen this year and got it dry and to the point it flowed like sand in a cheap egg timer hour glass nice yellow no mold.Didn’t know I had to refrigerate it all that pollen was a dud.I hand rubbed a whole bud limb with hand fulls of it in a rubber glove and literally rubbed it in like a dry rub damn near not one bean.