Post - Grow Doldrums

Well my Tiger Jack Seed Giveaway is over, the Ebner Effect on mj seeds is one and done (so far!) and my tents are cleaned out awaiting a new grow.
Plenty of oil from trim and the buds are curing in glass jars; I am flush w/weed!.. and it’s not enough.

This is proof positive that my addiction is not just centered around the consumption of the noble weed but revolves around it’s entire lifecycle. I can’t help it but I dig the grow as much as the smoke!
I need to see, touch and smell the living plants.

MI is recreational legal and I fear once it is available to the general public buying pot will never be enough either.

Why don’t I start a new grow?
In my neck of the woods, S.E. MI, there has only been one frost so far this Fall, not enough to kill off the scads of fungus gnats and root aphids looking for a nice indoor spot to procreate through the Winter months.
And find it, they will - IF it exists.
So no indoor grows until a week or 10 days AFTER the first hard freeze. This is usually enough time to starve out any indoor stragglers.
The T.J. Seed Giveaway was only the second time I’ve had an indoor grow extend all Summer and my tents were struck by wave after wave of these pests that I am sure hurt my yields of both buds and seeds. Plus the buggers float throughout the house constantly landing on tv, tablet and computer screens.
In a normal year my indoor grow ends mid Summer, a guerrilla plant or two outdoors takes care of my “grow needs”.
Anybody else have the same downer after a grow?


I know what you’re going through, I shut down in May and pick it back up Sept.
Summer just seems to be to bother some, I’m normally getting guests wanting to go fishing and hit the tourist spots on the rain days thru the summer.


What’s this tiger jack seed strain you speak of where was the give away?
Always a day late and a dollar short !

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I just keep popping. Summers I get smashed w heat and pests yet I continue on. If honest, I’ll take a small l on quality or quantity just to keep my spirits up. I just like growing plants of any variety. I will play w orchids or plant veggies or even just grow grass in pots of old soil to amend for future use


Yes, I am addicted to growing more so than getting bud to smoke. I don’t really smoke much. About a joint a day. The little lady smokes it more than I do for sure.
I honestly couldn’t care less about the harvest, I just love trying to grow these plants out to their full potential


I didn’t grow for a while. It was the worst weekend of my life. :joy:

Seriously though, I am absolutely infatuated with growing cannabis (really any plant). I love all the different smells, tastes, structure, etc. After all these years of growing, I still get the same joy as I did when I was a teenager. :pray:


You and I are one in the same. Heavily addicted to all aspects from seed to pipe.

Last February i had to shut down completely from mites. I lost 2 amazing moms. It was a down time. I started to hate going to the grow room. I feel your pain. It will get better! Only thing you can do is keep on trying and dialling in the room better and better each grow. Not growing for you (like me, like a lot here) just isn’t an option. :v:


Yup. I have plenty of weed in various forms, but I miss smelling the plants and watching them grow…
hence - the post-grow depression :sob:


@ShiskaberrySavior sounds like the giveaway has ended… I added my name to the list but I think its probably to late.


Thanks Danonly, you and @ShiskaberrySavior can ask @MomOnTheRun if she has any seed left, I sent her a few extra for just this situation. Unfortunately the seeds from the two plants that showed variability are no longer available. But you have a 1 in 6 chance of having them show up from the regular seed.

Here is the link to the thread that morphed into the giveaway.
It has the history behind the grow:

Good luck!


Oh for sure… I had some pests make their way into my flowering room, … Lost 3 of my prized plants outside, and had to live inside a house with 100+ temps for months!.. Didnt get much out of last summer at all, except for a huge outdoor plant. Waste of electricity. 2019 wasnt one of my better years. I feel your pain bro.

Brush yourself off, and Git-R-Done!! :wink:


It’s good (but strangely sad) to know I’m not alone in my funk.
If you’ve ever seen images from Kirilian photography you understand how living beings are surrounded by a field of energy, some call this the lifeforce.
While alive, I’m sure plants exchange energy with us, probably moreso with weed and other ethnobotanicals than with other plants. This is very subjective but I’m never in a bad mood for long when I’m around my plants. I wonder too, how much of this is due to the utter dependency indoor plants have on us the growers. Outdoor plants, once established, don’t need us and pretty much can care for themselves.

A manager I used to work with years ago was a bit of a mystic, had a spiritual master etc., said his teacher told him that plants rejoice in giving of themselves to us. An “ascension” so to speak.

@OleReynard I can never get my clones (from seed grown plants) to finish in May. Which is why I’m always searching for quicker methods of cloning. It always takes me 3 weeks for roots to show, then a month or two of veg and I forgot to mention in the top post that the Christmas holiday involves travel for me so I usually don’t start popping beans until January.

@Badfishy1 Pretty much what I did this year and I have(had) the yellow sticky traps to prove it.

@HaRdRoC lol. Harvesting isn’t my strong suit either, especially with my vegetable garden. This summer was particularly wet, with the attending hordes of skeeters and since I’m still a working stiff, going out to the garden for dinner in the evening is less than fun.

@PlantShepherd Now, now, we all know there’s no such thing as a “worst weekend”. lol
Most of us live for the weekend!
“After all these years of growing, I still get the same joy…” That’s the word, joy. Growing weed is truly joyful!

@Mongobongo What’s happening brother! Sucks about the mites, my MS buddy had them his first grow ever. He got them from, you guessed it, clones by an online grower whose name is Mike. Later on he heard the guy was known locally as “SpiderMike”.
What a devastating pest! Overnight it seemed all his plants were shriveled, gray and web covered. Gives me the creeps thinking about it.
I never buy flowers for my lady anymore cuz florists are a major source of mites. The last time I did buy flowers(before I started growing mj) mites from them wiped out my orchids.

@MichiGreen I’m with you bud. One thing that seems to help is to gaze upon some seeds! There is something about seeds, all tightly wrapped in their coats, that just looking at them, sensing their promise and potential is cheering. It is kinda like talking to children though, after awhile you seek adult conversations.


Why the 100+ temps? Is this a way to get rid of pests?


The exact opposite… Thats the way you get pests!! :laughing:

You see, Iam residing about 30 feet above street level in a house, and as you know…Heat rises.

I used a couple of drops of rosemary oil in my 1 gallon watering can, along with their food, and It cleared em up. Had to sanitize the fuck outta my room as well.

I even poured a little bleach into my carpet shampooer before putting in the new candidates.

Winter time is always “smooth sailing” around here. Thats why I have gone crazy popping seeds lately. :wave::grinning:


Got it.
Before we were married my wife’s 3rd floor apt had air conditioning but it never made its way up that far.
She worked nights too and had to sleep in that furnace during the day.
Funny she never appreciates me saving her from that place. :sweat_smile:


Women! I bend over backwards for my girl. The more I give her, the more she wants! :smirk: BTW, I have air conditioning… Still didnt cut the mustard.


Yeah, laying out the seed stash and imagining how each strain would grow, which strains would grow well together in a 4x4 or out of the tents; whether to grow singles for variety or do a pheno hunt… so many decisions :confused: :smile: it helps, but it’s not the same… I just putz around with the other indoor garden plants for a while to satisfy the “gardening urge” and read the forums :slight_smile:


ShiskaberrySavior is already on the list, added DanOnly to my list and have 19 packs left after the list is fulfilled so each distributor will have a few extra packs :wink:


AWWW, thanks MOTR. You are so on top of things. I feel like i’m behind all the time!


Once again MomOnTheRun to the rescue!